Beautiful Angel

Olivia felt intoxicated in more ways than one. The thrill of the performance brought back many memories and made her feel high. And Dillon, his voice was so magical. As he praised her, she couldn't shake the enchantment surrounding him. It was as if his words were a potion, casting a spell that captivated her completely. Each glance from his piercing blue eyes seemed to deepen the spell, drawing her further into his orbit.

"Olivia," Dillon said, his voice carrying a mesmerizing cadence, "that was truly incredible."

 You don't have to say that," Olivia replied, "but thank you. You weren't so bad yourself!"

She responded, feeling a mixture of humility and gratitude, her head spinning with exhilaration.

"I really mean it," Dillon continued, his gaze unwavering. If you're ever interested in joining a band, please look me up." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a card, extending it towards her.

Olivia's heart skipped a beat at his invitation. The thought of joining a band and embracing a new avenue of creativity filled her with excitement and trepidation. She nodded eagerly, her cheeks flushed with color, as she accepted the card, feeling a surge of possibility and potential coursing through her.

As Olivia made her way down the stairs, her heart beat faster with each step, and the lively ambiance of the bar enveloped her. Ethan's intense gaze was fixed on her, and she felt a flutter of nerves deep in her stomach.

"Olivia, come here," Ethan beckoned with a hint of possessiveness in his tone. She couldn't resist his call and stumbled towards him, still feeling slightly unsteady from the shots she had consumed earlier. 

Ethan caught her quickly as she fell into him, holding her close to his chest. 

"You sounded like a beautiful angel," he whispered, sending shivers down her spine. 

She gently pushed him away, unsure how to respond to his affectionate words. Part of her wanted to melt into his arms and forget everything else, but another part was still cautious and wary.

She remembered how hurt she had been at dinner. How could she trust him so easily?

But as she looked into his eyes, all those doubts seemed to fade away. She saw the love and longing in them, and it made something stir deep within her.

"Ethan," she started, her voice barely above a whisper. The ambient noise of the bar faded into the background as she focused on him. Her heart drummed a rapid beat against her ribs, a symphony of uncertainty and longing.

"I don't know if I can be with you," she admitted, her words laced with vulnerability. "I can't risk getting hurt again. You and Lauren, you seem perfect together."

Ethan's jaw tensed, a flicker of frustration crossing his features before he regained composure. "Damn it, Olivia," he muttered under his breath, his voice a low growl of exasperation. "I don't want Lauren. I want you." 

He took her hand and glided it down to his throbbing member. "Olivia, my heart isn't the only thing beating for you, sweetheart. I want you so bad. It took everything within me not to charge the stage and carry you out of here like a caveman. Please don't leave me, baby."

His words hung heavy in the air, charged with emotion and longing. Olivia felt a surge of conflicting emotions washing over her, uncertainty warring with the desire to believe in his sincerity.

Before she could respond, Logan appeared at her side with Jenna in tow, interrupting the charged atmosphere between them. His enthusiastic praise for Olivia's performance cut through the tension like a ray of sunlight piercing storm clouds.

"Hey, Olivia, that was freaking incredible," Logan exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine admiration. "I felt like I was in another world when you sang."

"Thank you, Logan," Olivia replied, her smile genuine as she appreciated his support. Jenna's embrace felt like a warm hug from the past, a reminder of their enduring friendship despite the years that had passed. 

"Wow, Liv. It's been years since I've heard you, but you sound as amazing as ever," Jenna exclaimed, her eyes shining with pride.

Olivia chuckled, waving off Jenna's praise modestly. "Oh, stop," she teased, laughter bubbling deep within her.

"Well, Jenna," she continued, turning to her friend with a mischievous glint, "I think I would like to have a few more drinks to celebrate."

Ethan's arms around her felt comforting and restricting, a reminder of the complicated emotions swirling within her.

"That sounds like a great idea," he replied.

"No, this is girls' night, Ethan," Olivia gently protested, feeling the need for space and independence. "I'll see you back in the room later."

With a reluctant nod, Ethan released her, his frustration evident in his expression. Logan stepped in, offering reassurance.

"I'll keep an eye on them and make sure she gets back to the room safely," he assured Ethan, sensing his brother's reluctance to leave Olivia's side.

Ethan nodded tersely, his gaze lingering on Olivia for a moment longer before he turned and strolled away, his emotions tumultuous and unresolved.