The night fell over the battlefield, and the Uchiha had returned to their camp after an exhausting day of clashes with the Senjus and the Sarutobis family. Madara, Kanji, Izuna, and their three siblings, including two sisters and another boy, were exhausted but knew they needed to rest for the upcoming morning confrontation.

As the siblings settled down to rest, Madara looked at them with determination. "Tomorrow is a crucial day. We must be ready to face the Senjus and the Yūhi. Our strength and unity are our best weapons," he reminded them.

Little Izuna looked at them determinedly and spoke, "I will protect you!" But Kanji took a defensive stance, "I will! I'm the eldest among us!" Madara smiled at this moment, cherishing it. In her past life, she had a younger brother, and though they always fought, she enjoyed the battles. As he grew up, things changed, and now, she couldn't be sure if they were still there.

Haruka, her younger sister, one year younger than Kanji, intervened, "Siblings, stop fighting. We'll protect each other!"

However, her brother, two years younger than Kanji, named Kenzo, spoke proudly, "Hmm, you should be like Madara-Neesan."

Hana, the youngest but older than Izuna, added, "Kenzo-Nii is right!" Madara couldn't help but laugh and smile.

"Silly little siblings, sleep now; I'll be the one protecting you," she said, and they all pouted.

Madara and Haruka were on the battlefield, fighting against the Senjus and their allies. They were among the best warriors of the Uchiha clan's generation. Their mission was to protect the land from the Shimura clan, as it seemed the Sarutobis and they sought dominance over this territory. The Sarutobi had hired the Senjus for this purpose.

Madara had a greater priority, and that was to protect her siblings, who were now with her friend Haruka. Haruka was the only person who mattered to her in this cruel and bloody world, apart from her plan and other siblings. She was the one who understood and truly loved her. Even after merging with Madara, the feelings didn't diminish; they only grew.

But that oath was about to break. As they advanced toward the center of the field, where the Senjus and Sarutobis were, they encountered a group of enemies blocking their way. About ten, bearing the symbol of the Sarutobi, one of the strongest clans in the Senju alliance.

Madara didn't hesitate to attack, relying on her skill and secret technique, the portal given by the Vishanti book. With a swift movement of her hand, she opened a rift in space, jumped through it, appearing behind one of the Sarutobi. With a quick sword slash, she pierced his neck and let him fall to the ground. The system appeared, clouding her vision, but she remained on the defensive.

"That will make me richer. Maybe I can buy the Mangekyo Sharingan soon or perhaps the Wood Style," Madara thought.

The others noticed her presence, turned to face her, but Madara had opened another portal and disappeared again. She repeated the process several times, killing one after another, her portal aiding her significantly. It rewarded her lack of strength, as she was still small, but she wanted to use her newly acquired technique, her shadow clones.

Haruka watched her with admiration and concern, as did her other siblings. What was that technique? She had created a total of one shadow clone, but it seemed to have multiplied. Haruka knew her sister was a genius and had obtained an incredible technique, but she also knew it came with a cost. Every time she used it, it consumed a considerable amount of chakra, and she could see signs of fatigue on her face.

But she couldn't do anything to stop her, only support her. So, she joined the battle, using her own fighting style. An expert in explosive seals, she strategically placed them in the field, creating traps and distractions. She also used her kunai and shuriken with precision and speed.

Together, they formed an unstoppable team, and soon, only a few enemies remained, giving victory to the Uchihas and Shimuras. Madara prepared to finish them when suddenly, she felt a chill down her spine. She turned and saw with horror that one of the Sarutobi she had killed wasn't truly dead. He had played dead and waited for the opportune moment to attack.

"You," Madara spoke coldly, realizing she had to be careful.


The man had risen and threw a fire lance towards Haruka.

"HARUKA, WATCH OUT!" Everything slowed down for her as she saw the Senju throw a fire lance at her. The fire lance hit Haruka in the chest, piercing and burning her from the inside. Everything fell silent; she couldn't hear her brothers or herself screaming.

Haruka let out a groan of pain, falling to the ground, blood and fire pouring from her wound. Madara felt the world stop, and her heart shatter. She ran to her sister, ignoring the others, and held her in her arms.

"Haruka... Haruka... don't you dare... don't leave me..." Madara babbled, tears threatening to fall.

"Madara... Madara... it's too late...," Haruka said, with a weak smile. "Don't worry... about me... I'm happy... to have been... with you and our siblings..."

"Don't say that... don't say that... you're going to live... you're going to live..." Madara refused to accept reality.

"Madara... Madara... thank you... for everything... I know you'll reach... great heights... take care of our siblings..." Haruka said, closing her eyes.

"Haruka... Haruka... no... don't go... don't go..." Madara said, holding her tightly.

But it was futile. Haruka no longer breathed; her heart no longer beat; there was no life in her body. Haruka was dead, and Madara knew it.

And then, something changed in her.

Something broke inside her, something ignited on her exterior.

Something filled her with pain, something filled her with power, anger, and vengeance.

Something made her lose a part of herself, something made her gain a part of her clan.

Something made her awaken the Sharingan, the eye that sees the soul, not by the system but by carrying the blood of the Uchiha clan.

And with it, came vengeance.

Madara stood up, eyes burning in intense red, looking around. She saw the two remaining Sarutobi and killed them with a glance. She saw the one who had killed Haruka and killed him with a word. She saw the other enemies and killed them with a gesture.

No one could stop her; no one could escape her. The Uchiha clan looked at her in astonishment. No one could awaken their Sharingan at such an early age, but Madara had. Madara was a storm of blood and fire, a goddess of death and destruction. Madara was the terror of the Senju, the glory of the Uchiha.

Madara was the only one left standing, in the middle of a field of corpses.

And the only thing he wanted was to die with his sister.