Right now, she would be at the Uchiha compound; everyone in mourning. She only stared at her little sister's coffin, cold and calculating eyes. She hadn't blamed herself yet, but knew she couldn't have done anything at that moment. The pain of death lingered, but the common sense to grow stronger so this wouldn't happen again prevailed. The system hadn't been opened, but she knew there were many notifications. She just wanted to rest and sighed.

Suddenly, a voice called her. "Lady Madara, your father needs you." The family's maid, belonging to the clan head, called, and she only nodded seriously, heading to her father's room.

"Father," she called, and he signaled for her to enter.

"Madara, I know there's a desire for revenge in your heart against those cursed Senjus and Sarutobi."

Her father looked at her with a mix of pride and sadness. "You're my daughter, the heir of the Uchiha clan. You have the potential to be the greatest of all. But don't let hatred consume you. Remember, your sister loved you and wanted you to be happy. Don't disappoint her with your actions."

Madara felt a lump in her throat. She knew her father was right, but an uncontrollable anger towards those who had killed her sister still lingered. "Father, I... I just want justice. I want them to pay for what they did. I want to protect our clan and our people. Isn't that what you want too?"

Tajima sighed. "Yes, Madara, I want the same as you. But I also want you to be wise and prudent. Don't let impulsiveness or revenge guide you. Use your head and your heart. Be a leader, not a killer. And above all, don't forget who you are. You're an Uchiha, a noble warrior, a beloved daughter. Don't lose that for anything or anyone."

Madara nodded, unsure if she could live up to her father's expectations. She stood up, bowed, and was about to leave when her father spoke again. "I know you've awakened your Sharingan; I'm proud of you. Make your sister's death worthwhile."

She stood still and clenched her fists. "I will." Then, she left the room and headed to her own quarters. There, she decided it was time to open the system, as her rewards should be plentiful. Madara opened the system granted by the unknown god, revealing numerous notifications, missions, rewards, and options.

Name: Madara Uchiha

Gender: Female

Age: 8 years and 11 months 

Level: 2

Experience Points: 6/100

Coins: 700+

System Points: 300

Attributes: Strength 4, Agility 3, Endurance 4, Intelligence 10, Chakra 10

Skills: Sharingan (Level 1), Fire (Level 1), Sword (Level 1), Mental Powers (Level 1), Portals (Level 1), Shadow Clones (Level 1)

Equipment: Clan attire, steel sword, kunai, shurikens, explosive tags

Inventory: Empty

Completed Missions: 1+

Mission Rewards:

Completed Mission: (Eliminate Chunin-level ninjas from the Sarutobi clan)w

Reward: Gumbai of Madara Uchiha

Options: Spin Roulette + Shop +

Madara observed her state with curiosity, wondering about the significance of the numbers and terms. What did the level mean? The experience and system points? The attributes? Skills? Inventory? Missions, rewards, and options? She decided she needed to figure it all out to avenge her sister and strengthen her clan. With determination, she was ready to embrace the system as her opportunity, hope, and challenge.

But then, she noticed something and was surprised. "Wait, the Gumbai!" This made her smile a little; everyone knew the original series portrayed the Gumbai as powerful, capable of creating storms with a single move. Now, she would do her best to master it.

But first things first, she looked at the system and asked, "How can I increase my attributes?" The system responded immediately.

"Attributes increase with system points. You can increase anything with system points, and by doing so, the level of your skills will also increase." She was excited. Was it really that simple? She vowed to spend the next four years increasing her abilities to protect her clan. She spoke again, "System, distribute the system points to the attributes."

The system promptly acted.

Attributes: Strength 64, Agility 63, Endurance 64, Intelligence 70, Chakra 70

She smiled, feeling a new power coursing through her body. This was going to get interesting...