Four years had passed since Madara had awakened in the body of an Uchiha girl. During that time, she had trained hard using the system and the books that had granted her incredible abilities. She had increased her attributes and skills, and had learned to use the portal, shadow clone, fire, sword, and mental powers. She had also unlocked the two-spoke Sharingan and had bought some Stark technology, as it was beneficial in this world to have an understanding of what was happening in other clans. This had brought questions from her family, but she simply replied, "I have contacts," even though she hadn't fully mastered it yet. She knew that this last ability would be difficult and would only be a trump card. At the moment, her attributes were over 500, although she hadn't made much progress, her strength was a little more than a jounin. But in these times, it wasn't enough and she knew it well. Thinking about it, Itachi in the original series was the same at this age. She sighed at that moment. The system hadn't given her missions to increase her attributes, only a few, and that bothered her.

She could only wait patiently, feeling a sense that things would change soon. She didn't even have enough coins to exchange for a new skill, she only had +1500 coins and she was saving them to activate her Mangekyo Sharingan.

Her clan respected and admired her, considering her the genius of her generation. Her father supported and guided her, and had grown fond of her over the years. Her brothers, Kanji and Izuna, loved and followed her intensely. The worst part was that her remaining brothers who she wasn't as attached to unfortunately couldn't be saved from the war... They died. This made her want to surpass herself. She was the heiress of the Uchiha clan and the future matriarch. She had a dream, to unify the ninja world under her rule and prevent wars and suffering.

One day, while training with her father and brothers, the system gave her a new mission:

[Mission: Meet Hashirama Senju]

[Description: Hashirama Senju is a child from the Senju clan, your eternal rival in the world of Naruto. He is the only one who can match your power, and even surpass it. He has the same dream as you and can change the world. You must meet him and find out what kind of person he is. He could be your enemy or he could be your ally. Only you can decide.]

[Reward: +1000 coins, +100 attribute points, +1 level of Sharingan]

Madara was surprised to see the mission. She didn't expect the system to ask her to meet Hashirama. She knew that eventually she would meet him, but not this soon. She wondered why the system would give her such a dangerous mission, and what benefit it would have for her. But she was also curious about Hashirama and the fact that he had the same dream as her. Bringing peace to the world... She narrowed her eyes. In the original series, she had the great idea of using the villages as a means to achieve this, but she knew it wouldn't work. Maybe she could change his mind, it would be a great help for her. But at the same time, she was cautious because the system had told her that he could match or surpass her. She was aware of how beneficial the system had been in increasing her strength, she didn't believe he would be at her level. Her abilities had grown, her experience was not that of a 12-year-old girl, but of someone older.

Madara decided to accept the mission and see what would happen.

"Father, brothers, I'm going for a walk," Madara said, pretending to be casual.

"Where are you going, Madara?" her father asked, concerned.

"I just want to explore a bit, don't worry. I'll be back soon," Madara said, smiling.

"Alright, but be careful. Don't go too far and stay out of trouble," her father warned, reminding her of the consequences of the world they lived in.

"Yes, yes, I know. Don't worry, father," Madara said, nodding.

Madara bid farewell to her father and brothers and left. She used her portal to teleport to a safe place and then headed towards the river that separated the Uchiha clan territory from the Senju clan territory. She knew it was a dangerous place and she could encounter enemy ninjas. But she also knew it was the most likely place to find Hashirama, as she knew from the original series that he used to come here to play with rocks until Madara appeared. Madara approached the river cautiously, searching for Hashirama with her eyes. 

He couldn't see him anywhere, and wondered if he had left or was hiding. Suddenly, he heard a noise behind the bushes. He approached stealthily and saw a young boy with black hair and brown eyes, wearing a green vest and white pants. It was Hashirama, the child from the Senju clan.

Madara was surprised to see that Hashirama was just a child, and that he had an innocent and joyful expression. He wondered how it was possible, but then remembered that he was still a child too, although mentally older. Did that count? But he didn't think much of it, as he was more interested in getting to know him. Madara approached Hashirama and spoke to him.

"Hello, what are you doing here?" said Madara with a friendly smile.

Hashirama startled at the sound of Madara's voice and quickly turned around. He saw a boy with black hair and onyx eyes wearing a purple robe. It was natural for him to mistake her for a boy since her gender had not yet been discovered by anyone. Well, she didn't want to reveal it until she became the leader of the clan. Hashirama didn't know who she was and only saw her as a friend. Hashirama returned the smile and replied.

"Hi, I'm playing with wood. And you?" said Hashirama with an innocent smile.

Madara was left speechless by Hashirama's response. He didn't expect it to be so simple and sincere, and that he didn't realize she was his enemy. Madara thought Hashirama was foolish, but also felt a strange sympathy for him. Madara decided to play along and see what would happen.

"I was just walking and found this river to throw stones. Do you want to play with me?" said Madara with a fake smile. She felt a bit dizzy because this encounter was not like the original series, her crossing of worlds had changed things.

Hashirama was thrilled to hear Madara's proposition. He didn't know that Madara was his enemy, and only saw him as a friend. He hadn't even noticed that she was a girl. Hashirama thought Madara was very kind and also felt a strange connection with her. Hashirama accepted the invitation and said.

"Sure, I would love to play with you. What's your name?" said Hashirama with a genuine smile.

Madara was surprised by Hashirama's question. She didn't know if she should tell him her real name or make up one. Madara thought that if she told him her real name, Hashirama would realize she was his enemy and attack her. But she also thought that if she lied, Hashirama would feel betrayed and hate her. Madara decided to take a risk and tell him the truth, but she worried too much because she knew he wouldn't recognize her.

"My name is Madara. And you?" said Madara with a typical arrogant Uchiha smile.

Hashirama pondered upon hearing Madara's name. It didn't sound familiar to him, and he didn't know if it was a common name or not. Hashirama thought Madara was a beautiful name and that it suited her. He decided to be honest and tell her the truth.

"My name is Hashirama. Do you like it?" said Hashirama with an innocent smile.

Madara wasn't surprised. She knew from the beginning. She realized that he was her enemy, but at the same time, she thought that wars always arise from hate and more hate, so she decided to break the cycle for the peace she could achieve with him if she influenced him enough to prevent him from doing the stupid things he did in the original series.

"I love it. It's a very beautiful name," said Madara with a fake smile. She knew that compliments would increase his trust and thanked her past life's YouTube tutorials and books for teaching her that.

"How about we throw stones?" Hashirama suggested with a silly smile, and she nodded. But then a "Ding" sound interrupted them.

[Congratulations, the mission has been successfully completed!]

[Reward: +1000 coins, +100 attribute points, +1 Sharingan level]

That made her smile

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