Too Rare

She looked at Hashirama expectantly, although she has the arrogance of the original Uchiha, but also the kindness and willpower of her previous life is still in the middle, since in the original series Madara does not talk to anyone, but she is He talks differently but keeps his distance and is kind, even though the boy in front of him is a complete idiot. It is not to be expected since that was shown in the original series. 

Hey, are you in love with me or why your look? -. That idiot told him awkwardly that made him hit his face. It had already been 2 days since she met Hashirama, he behaved like a child to say the least, it was to be expected since he is literally a child, she does not consider herself that way since she has the mental age of an experienced adult.

 So as not to leave him in doubt that he thought his character was gay, even though if she was a girl he shouldn't have known it. Idiot..!, I just find it strange that your strange hair shape looks like a bowl! -. He would not miss the opportunity to make fun of him, he did it with his brothers and other members since it was a distraction from the war. Hey!.. -. Hashirama would be blushing and embarrassed. My hair is certainly Great!.-. He would defend himself in his own way but she only mocks him more. 

Not even a fly has to stop you.-. That made Hashirama depressed and a dark aura settled around him, starting to mutter meaningless things. Madara looked at him strangely, this was someone quite strange in his opinion. I didn't even look like I'd reach it once! Maybe the system made a mistake?! Hashirama stood up from his place and approached Madara, who had moved a little away from him, as he was in his own world thinking.

 -Hey, Madara... - he said shyly, touching his shoulder. Madara was startled and turned to see him, physical contact was not for her, and she had that same paranoia as Madara that no one can get behind him. Their eyes met and Hashirama felt a shiver run down his spine. There was something in Madara's gaze, something cold, a mixture of pride, defiance and... sadness? Maybe or arrogance. - What do you want? - Madara asked coldly, moving his hand away, he didn't want any physical contact. -. Don't get behind me again! If you don't want me to hit you. - I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you! It's just... I'm intrigued by your origin. - Hashirama said with admiration and curiosity, raising his hands in defense.

 Madara tensed, it wasn't good for them to know each other yet. Until their parents discovered them like in the original series. What was that idiot saying? What intrigued you about its origin? To her? To Madara Uchiha, the leader of the most powerful and feared clan of the time? Of course in another timeline but he was not far from that. 

The one who had been reincarnated as a woman and hid his true identity from the world? - It's none of your business. - Madara said, with evasion and coldness, she only looked at him as a rival only. - What do you want from me? What do you know about me? -. I would say Cautious, this guy was quite strange. - I don't want anything from you, nor do I know anything about you, but I want to know more. - Hashirama responded confidently. - I only know that you are Madara, the only one who has impressed me like no one else, and the only one I have seen as someone I trust! I don't care what clan you are from, or what secrets you keep. I only care about you, as a partner, friend and Rival. -. 

He had no idea Madara was a girl. Madara was puzzled. How could that boy be so bold and generous? Didn't he realize he was playing with fire? What if someone discovered them?, like in the original series. Even though I was sure that would happen. "You can't be my partner or friend," Madara said, trying to reject him. - We are Rivals, Hashirama. Our clans are possibly at war, and sooner or later we will have to confront each other since we do not know each other's origins. You cannot collaborate with me, nor I with you. - That is not true. - Hashirama insisted, getting closer. - I can collaborate with you, Madara! We can make a better world. And I want you to collaborate with me. We can be colleagues and friends, if you want. Madara felt his pulse quicken. What was that boy doing? Why did he say those things to her? He was so sincere that it repulsed him! - No, we can not. - Madara said, resisting.

 - It's impossible, it's a utopia. Get away from me, Hashirama. This is nothing more than a dream, he refused even though he knew it was going to be real anyway. But he maintained his pride. - No, it's hope. And I want to share it with you. -. I would say leaving her dumbfounded. Madara lost his voice. What was happening? Why was that boy so kind? Why did he make him forget things he should never forget? Is this a friendship? Who genuinely cares about you. - Alright. - Madara sighed, giving up. - But just this once. Hashirama smiled tenderly and raised his hand for the two to shake.sealing their alliance