Chakra flowed tensely in the Hyuga Clan library as the members continued their spiritual hunt. Madara, in his astral form, moved cautiously, looking for a way out amidst the sensory pressures. However, why it had been detected became an enigma that demanded answers. At the heart of the tension, the Sensory Guardian of the Hyuga Clan, a master in the art of perceiving spiritual energies, noticed the anomaly. Sensory Guardian of the Hyuga Clan, frowning. "Something doesn't add up. A presence should be detected so easily. How is this possible? Why can't we find it?" The explanation lay in the duality of Madara's abilities. Although his astral form was invisible, his chakra and spiritual essence were still discernible to those with exceptional sensory abilities. Madara's unique energy left a subtle trail, revealing his presence to the keen senses of the Hyuga Clan. Madara, being aware of this vulnerability, sought to adjust his spiritual frequency, attempting to blend more skillfully with the surrounding energies. However, the task was complicated, since each attempt to alter its essence left a perceptible echo for those who sought it. Sensory Guardian of the Hyuga Clan, noticing the fluctuation. "There! Its frequency has changed! Attack!" The room filled with action as members of the Hyuga Clan unleashed advanced sensory techniques. Madara, facing mounting pressure, sought refuge in the darkest recesses of the astral plane, but his attempt at camouflage was hampered by the tenacious sensory mastery of his pursuers. In his effort to understand the reason behind the detection, Madara realized that his connection to the chakra of Madara Uchiha's physical body could be influencing the astral manifestation. The duality between his physical and astral form created a unique resonance that, although difficult to perceive, did not escape the keen senses of the Hyuga Clan. Madara, she mused to herself. The connection between my astral form and my body is stronger than I thought. I must find a way to temporarily dissociate them. The search for answers and the need to adapt to this new understanding of his abilities added an additional level of complexity to the story. While Madara faced this revelation, the members of the Hyuga Clan continued their tireless search, unleashing a conflict in which reality and astral essence intertwined in unpredictable ways.

Madara, pondering while evading: The connection to Madara Uchiha's body is leaving a stronger trail than I anticipated. I must find a way to separate myself completely.