The energy in the Hyuga Clan library vibrated intensely as Madara, in her astral form, struggled to unravel the ancient spiritual seal that bound her to her astral body. The clan members, alerted by the spiritual fluctuation, intensified their sensory attacks, creating a symphony of chakra on the astral plane. Madara, frowning, concentrating on his task. "Tks..I must break this seal and free myself completely" The members of the Hyuga Clan, armed with their sensory abilities, attacked with techniques designed to trap any spiritual essence. The battle on the astral plane became more chaotic, as Madara struggled with the duality of his existence. Sensory Guardian of the Hyuga Clan, demanding: "Don't let the seal end! Attack with everything!" The conflict between the two worlds reached its peak. Madara, determined, faced not only the members of the Hyuga Clan but also the spiritual barriers that threatened to limit his freedom. In the physical world, shadows stirred in anticipation of an imminent confrontation. The members of the Hyuga Clan were preparing for what they considered the last line of defense. Leader of the Hyuga Clan, with a firm voice. "We will protect our secrets at any cost. We will not let this intruder escape!" As Madara continued his spiritual battle, he discovered that the key to breaking the seal lay in deeply understanding the energy that constituted it. Every spiritual thread that weaved the connection between his astral form and Madara Uchiha's body had to be unraveled with precision. Madara, whispering to herself. "The key is in spiritual harmony. I must separate myself without unbalancing the essence we share." She thought quickly, having knowledge of magic books she could understand and make quick assumptions. The complexity of the seal demanded exceptional spiritual ability. Madara, engrossed in the task, moved between the threads of energy, defying the constant pressure of the members of the Hyuga Clan. Sensory Guardian of the Hyuga Clan, frustrated and beyond angry. "We can't stop her! They broke the seal!" The climactic moment had arrived. Madara, freed from the seal, experienced an expansion of his astral essence. The battle on the astral plane took an unexpected turn as his presence became more ethereal and evasive. Madara, looking at his pursuers with determination. "No one can stop me, least of all these Hyuga." *She laughed at that*.

Now he knew one thing, his power was beyond human limits now, perhaps not physically but spiritually.