Madara had that feeling of having been used by someone and that bothered her well "A LOT". Was it Hashirama? She didn't know but she returned to the Uchiha clan with many thoughts in her whirling mind, with Hashirama's intervention it could have been affected his plans, not for nothing did the system warn him about him. He couldn't afford to rest since at that moment he could surpass her, he had to be careful he didn't know her abilities, maybe the Mokuton but the others would be granted to the system like they did with her.

She simply sighed but she met a servant woman who told her that her father was waiting for her. Madara simply went to see her father. She noticed his serious face, something normal in the Uchiha clan, but she noticed the tension in the air.

Father, is something wrong? ──. She spoke a little curious about what he might say.

The Hyuga are prowling our borders, our intelligence has seen unusual movements in their supplies, do you know what that means? ──. Tajima spoke imposingly. Madara didn't really know but he could get an idea, taking his silence as a no to the prodigy. ──. They are preparing for a confrontation with us uchiha.

Madara actually expected this result, she did not go unnoticed by the rumors that spread like wildfire, about the Uchiha clan having uncovered the secrets of the Hyuga clan, obviously the Hyugas were not going to let their prestige be affected by this. They saw no other choice but to confront them.

Are alone? ──. Naturally Madara knew the answer, since the other clans would not even mess with them, since naturally by revealing their secrets, many enemy clans of the Hyuga clan bought them and therefore the Uchiha clan had gathered a fortune with that and so much Her prestige and influence grew, she being one of the contributors to that.

If they are──. Tajima nodded──. The other clans would not dare to interfere because we would gain from the resources we have gathered and as much as the allies. ──. He said it so arrogantly worthy of an uchiha that Madara noticed but didn't think much of it.

Madara smiled for the simple fact that the Uchiha clan was making a big deal these days, and all thanks to her astral projection skills, with that ability she could succumb and dominate the Senju clan, but she knew that Hashirama would possibly stop her, for He did not dare to do that for now, it is not that he was afraid of him, he simply would not get into the wolf cage for now, changing his thoughts to the Hyuga clan, if they won in this confrontation their prestige would increase even more and more small clans and so much As small villages wanted her services, surpassing the Senju clan in power and positioning herself as the number one clan she simply nodded silently at her thought.

Right now I wanted to know Tajima's plans so I asked. ──. You didn't call me just for that, right? Tajima only smiled proudly at his eldest daughter. He was doubtful at first whether or not to let her go to war due to the fact that she was a woman, but she herself showed him how wrong he was. The simple fact of stealing information from the Hyuga clan was evidence. that she is an extremely skilled kunoichi and with the power of an even more genius.

You're right, I didn't call you just because of that──. He nodded with approval ──. I want you to command the army and go to the front──. He said without further ado, surprising Madara, knowing the responsibility that meant, she would be a general of an army and commander, something that many ninjas of the Uchiha clan wanted, a position that implies respect. She wasn't sure why he wanted her to go in the first place so she asked.

Because I? ──. She simply said looking at the man in front of her, her father sighed and spoke.

I thought you would already know, with that mind of yours it is easy to see through words──. He spoke, softening his eyes──. These last 4 years you have worked hard and I can see your strength, I know that in a short time you will be able to surpass me, I see the power that you have been hiding, I as your father can see through you. ──. Madara just stayed silent and nodded──. I know that one day I will inevitably die and I want to teach you how to lead people so being a commander would be a good idea to start, wouldn't it? So you will be in charge of leading the army to go against the Hyuga. And as well as making strategies to make them leave our borders, do you understand?.

Madara now saw this old uchiha differently, now he did not see him as the cruel leader but as a capable leader and a worthy father──. I promise not to disappoint you father. Madara spoke softly and lowered his head in a zone of respect like his father and leader.

So be it then, get ready to leave in 2 days at dawn. ──. Tajimo spoke proudly saying goodbye to Madara, she simply left with a weight in her heart, guiding more or less 100 people would be a challenge... she simply sighed and entered her room, now being alone she could redeem her prize. He opened the system and did so.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining, Sage Mode (Each transformation is different depending on the wielder), Hirashin no Jutsu, 10,000 Coins]…

Madara wanted to try the next 2 abilities, but before that he wanted to redeem his Makekyo Sharingan! And so he did…

N/A:Sorry for the delay! Well, I actually went to school and that's why the updates are not frequent, I'm sorry! but I have decided that the updates will only be on Saturdays and Sundays! so wait for another chapter tomorrow!

Another thing, do you want to know a little more about the author? :) Yes, I am actually a woman, one thing that maybe you didn't know haha.