A glow in front of her appeared something only visible to Madara, the girl is expressionless on the outside, but excited on the inside after almost 5 years, she could redeem the Makekyo sharingan, one of the many powers in the world of Naruto that she wanted.

Of course she was excited and could certainly make and suppress the ninja world with just one look, Madara Uchiha himself from the original series proved it.

Madara quickly entered the system store where there were sun equally powerful jutsus and kekkei genkai, but not caring about any other than the writing kaledoscope, she clicked... Finally...


Suddenly Madara felt an intense itch in her onyx eyes, she could notice a trace of blood spreading from her eyelids to the end of her chin... in reality it was a lot of blood but she herself did not care that she took a small mirror from his desk and saw his eyes.

A beautiful pattern spread across her eyes, a circle in the middle plus 3 smaller circles. It was the same Makekyo as the original Madara Uchiha, but she was actually more focused on how beautiful it was! She didn't know if it was the Uchiha curse. that ran through his blood or the fact of his ambition to be stronger.

It looked so creepy and so charming at the same time, it was just a perfect pattern for her success!...

I wanted to try out his new eyes... But when I thought about it, it would be more fun to show him on the battlefield, I could already see the expressions that the elders of the clan and his father could have!... Plus the scared expressions of the Hyuga clan... No I could wait... A crooked smile spread across his face, he quickly closed his eyes, there was pain, yes.

But it was bearable in a certain way... Now that she thought about it, the system said that she could improve the Makekyo sharingan, would it be in coins again?... She didn't give importance to that yet, but later she would.

Right now she would only dedicate herself to training and she did so in the next few hours. The next morning when she was about to leave, the maid brought her something that she was surprised had arrived so quickly. It was an armor, samurai red, she simply smiled. For this reason, a few days ago he had asked a blacksmith to make him a battle suit, previously he had a black one, but he decided to change to Madara's original suit, it still did not have the fine line of a woman if it was not one that would fit the of a man since she did not yet have the intention of showing herself as a kunoichi, all the other clans knew her as the heir Madara Uchiha without knowing that she was actually a woman, obviously her clan knew, but they stayed away to keep the secret. 

They knew how powerful she was, and how her actions benefited the Uchiha clan... it was actually something to think about, but one of the elders of the Uchiha clan who was once a powerful kunoichi guided her sometimes in the art of seduction, the manners and mold her status as a woman, she didn't complain but it was annoying at times, that was the only talent she was terrible at but it was paying off. The clan Naturally wanted to marry her to a capable uchiha but none of them could defeat her in the shinobi arts so that's why their engagement was stopped and she was grateful that she would not marry, no one was on her level, except that she herself in any universe would marry. with his man self if he could.

She analyzed the suit and then thought about her original plan, previously the system gave her Stark's Nanotegnolia matter, that would obviously be used in her suit since it can be indestructible, unless it adheres to another layer but that would be impossible without giving her orders. .

He had actually already analyzed it, and the matter reacted to his movements and voice, it was already in a configuration to the original Spider-Man suit made by Stark, so he was surprised to find an artificial intelligence, where it told him that he could choose his name and she named him "Raiko".

She didn't think that much about the name but the AI ​​accepted it... she took the stuff out of the inventory and ordered.

Raiko stick to the suit.─. Madara spoke, and the nanotechnology in her hand began to spread throughout her suit, forming a darker red, she smiled sideways at that, and put on the armor, looking in the mirror she actually liked how it looked on her, and now It was time to try it, so he called Kanji and Izuna to try it out and they happily accepted.

Nee-San, are you sure? Izuna spoke worried, Madara had asked Kanji to shoot him a Fire jutsu, and Kanji and Izuna were worried.

Just do it Kanji, nothing will happen to me.─. Madara spoke as calmly as ever and calmed the turbulent emotions of the two a little, Kanji finally sighed and in rapid movement of his hands shot, you could see how much he had improved since Madara's training, so Kanji as well as Izuna were named geniuses. By the Uchiha clan.

Madara did not move, she saw the large fireball coming towards her, she could feel the heat on her face, but she did not retreat, suddenly the large fireball surrounded her, surprising and scaring Kanji and Izuna, they from the beginning They thought it would move.

Madara! ─. They screamed scared by that, but they realized that the fireball was getting smaller and smaller until it was nothing. Madara smiled at that, his Nanotegnolia had absorbed the attack, and had converted it into pure chakra without the need for a element. That would be useful to him since the Nanotegnolia fit this world and he could use it later to get a big attack out of his suit.

Kanji and Izuna were more than impressed but they didn't comment anything, due to the fact that their older sister was an expert in the shinobi arts and that new technique was more than a shock for them, Madara didn't comment anything else he just smiled sideways, but that entire day was pure training, the next morning he would have to leave to command an entire army. 

His father wasn't going to go, since he couldn't leave the Uchiha clan just for tribal matters, but when it came to the senju, well Madara had nothing to say.

She put on her shinobi suit ready for action, her head working like a charm.

Before leaving for the border, in the heart of the Uchiha meeting office, Madara faced internal challenges as her father had broken the news that she would be the commander of the army. Some Uchiha were not convinced of his promotion to such an important leadership due to his youth and lack of experience, they had no doubt that he was a showpiece as a genius of the clan, but this matter was different in fact.

One of the most prominent members of the Uchiha clan due to his strength expressed his doubts out loud, this was a young man of 24 years since in this war no one survived more than 30, those were already considered old. "Should we really trust in someone so young to lead us in such a critical war? Wouldn't it be wiser to have someone with more experience in charge? The young man named Rai Uchiha spoke.

Madara became familiar with this man, perhaps he was not the creator of izanagi or one of the few who used it. Madara had to observe him carefully, since in the original series he himself wanted to dominate the world and had a thirst for endless power and this himself was killed by Baru senju, it seems that the curse of hatred will continue in his clan but it can be manipulated very easily in reality and would take advantage of that, the uchihas let themselves be guided by power so, with a firm gaze and the chakra that resonated around him, he responded calmly but with authority.

Age does not define wisdom or leadership ability. If any of you doubt my ability, feel free to confront me and understand that you will not underestimate your commander. ─. She spoke so coldly, everyone in the Uchiha clan knew perfectly well Madara's power, from previous battles with his supposed fiancés that he defeated so easily.

At that moment, Madara let his chakra unleash, enveloping the area with imposing pressure. The most skeptical Uchiha felt the intensity of his power and stepped back, their expressions of doubt transformed into a mixture of surprise and fear, his chakra was so powerful that it was visible to the eye, something that no one could do alone with jutstus but show it openly to them. He said that his chakra mastery and refinement was incredible and they no longer had any doubts. Madara, with his chakra resonating around him, told them with his usual coldness.

No doubt, we will continue forward. Those who wish to defect may do so now. ─. The uchihas who were hesitant before said nothing more, no one moved. Madara gave them a challenging look before continuing. "We left for the border at dawn." May the internal challenges stay here. The battlefield is where we will prove our worth. Not in a silly fight. ─. Madara headed to the exit, his father had not interfered since she had to impose authority and he showed it today, he was more proud of that, in the future she would be a feared Patriarch.

The next morning Madara said goodbye to his beloved brothers, Izuna and Kanji, he noticed the concern in their eyes. Izuna spoke sincerely. ─.Nee-San, be careful. This war is dangerous, and although we trust you, we can't help but worry. ─. Madara stroked his hair with a slight smile at his younger brother's words.

I know, Izuna. I will take care of myself and ensure victory for the clan. Trust me, brothers.─. She couldn't help but give the two a touch on her forehead... Not noticing that her eyes changed. With those words, Madara left for the border accompanied by his group of one hundred Uchiha. It took them more or less 2 days to reach the border and upon arrival, instead of launching directly into the conflict, they decided to establish a strategic military camp.

And so he did, after a few hours the hundred men under his command made more than three tents where the supplies, medicinal things, weapons, among other things, were kept. Sitting in the command tent, Madara gathered his strategists and battle leaders.

We must know our enemy before entering combat. We will observe your movements and prepare for any eventuality. ─.Madara, with his strategic mind in full swing, led the planning and spoke seriously. This battle would be easy or not depending on his enemy. In reality, Madara had formed a plan last night but he had to talk about it with his people.

With his strategies in place, Madara looked out over the battlefield from the military camp, visualizing possible Hyuga moves. She was sure something would return with a guaranteed victory and with zero possible casualties.