Madara looked at his men in front of her, here no one recognized her as a woman but as Madara Uchiha the Uchiha heir, her father had specifically made sure that no one outside the Uchiha clan knew the gender of his daughter, threatening to kill anyone. said, the clearly submissive clan members did not say anything and of course kept the secret very well..

Madara had already distributed his men right now, separating them strategically to calmly observe the movements of the Hyuga clan.

In the following days while his men were guarding and training, Madara had explored his abilities, Sage Mode and the Hirashin no Jutsu. Naturally she wanted to get stronger and these abilities would help her even more than... the Hirashin not so much since she had her ability to teleport anywhere, but she could use this to not be so predictable since when using the portal she was still too slow...

While with the wise mode I actually master it easily since in a few words it is the energy itself, the same as the spiritual energy that I have been mastering with the help of the book of Vishanti.

Their eyes changed to an intense blue, and their strength actually increased exaggeratedly, approximately, they would lift a giant summoning frog.

Relatively Madara was happy with his progress, but what intrigued him most was using his eyes with this mode since when using Makekyo sharingan there was no effect when using it for pain or something else and it intensified his power, and if chakra it felt very good It is a power imaginable she just smiled at her progress.

Right now he was looking at a small map until a member of the Uchiha clan walked in startled.

Madara-Sama!... ─. He would say startled with the first name that they used to call him outside the clan, since normally within the clan they called him Madara-San, or Lady-Madara, or just like Miss Madara...

Madara just looked at him calmly, he was in his usual battle suit and she could already guess what he would say.

The Hyuga have entered our territory!─. Madara at that moment nodded. The Uchihas had secretly been tempting the Hyuga under a cloak, until the Hyuga decided to attack first and that was Madara's plan all this time. She just smiled.

Madara rose from his seat, his gaze serene but filled with an intensity that few could sustain. ─"Prepare the men," he ordered with a firm voice. "It is time for the Hyuga to learn the true power of the Uchiha clan."

As the clansman nodded and quickly left to carry out his command, Madara approached the map. His fingers traced the borders of his territory, each line a promise of battle. There was no fear in his heart, only a cold, calculating calm. He had anticipated this moment, planned every move with the precision of a master strategist.

The air was filled with the sound of crows, a dark omen for those who dared to defy their home. Madara knew that war was not only a confrontation of forces, but also of wills, and his was unbreakable.

"Let the game begin." she muttered to herself, a sly smile gracing her lips. The Hyuga might have started this conflict, but she would be the one to end it.

From the beginning one night before her departure, she had speculatively made a plan.

This plan consists of 7 steps which are called "Provocative Defense". And this strategy is based:

1.Feigned Vulnerability: Madara strategically positions his forces in a way that appears vulnerable to the Hyuga clan. She allows certain areas of the border to appear less fortified, creating the illusion of an opportunity for the Hyuga to exploit.

2.Selective Engagement: Madara orders his troops to engage in minor skirmishes along the border, deliberately drawing the attention of the Hyuga clan. These skirmishes are carefully orchestrated to give the impression that the Uchiha forces are testing the waters rather than fully committing to an attack.

3.Strategic Retreat – Whenever the Hyuga show signs of aggression or attempt to capitalize on perceived weaknesses, Madara orders a strategic retreat of his forces. This tactic serves to incite the Hyuga to pursue the retreating Uchiha forces, luring them deeper into Uchiha territory.

4.Ambush and Surroundings: As the Hyuga pursue the retreating Uchiha, they inadvertently fall into a carefully prepared trap. Madara's troops, lurking along predetermined routes, launch surprise attacks from multiple directions, surrounding the Hyuga forces and cutting off their retreat.

5.Psychological warfare: Throughout the confrontation, Madara uses psychological tactics to sow doubt and discord among the Hyuga ranks. He spreads false information, spreads rumors of internal dissent within the Uchiha clan, and exploits any existing tension or rivalry between the Hyuga leaders.

6.Strategic Deception: Madara uses decoys, illusions, and distraction tactics to confuse and disorient the Hyuga forces. By creating false targets and deceptive movements, he forces the Hyuga to spend their resources and energy chasing phantom threats while hiding his true intentions.

7.Counterattack: Once the Hyuga are fully committed to the chase and scattered due to ambushes and confusion, Madara launches a decisive counterattack. Coordinated Uchiha forces attack quickly and decisively, exploiting weaknesses exposed during Hyuga's pursuit and aiming to inflict maximum damage.

By employing the "Provocative Defense" strategy, Madara effectively manipulates the Hyuga clan into starting a conflict while maintaining control over the pace and direction.

She already applied the first six effectively by sending her men only to walk in the Hyuga borders or only deceive them that they are about to attack when it is not the case, right now that her subordinate told her that the Hyuga are about to attack she was able to know that it was the Time to fight back, his plan actually worked perfectly.

At this same moment he left the store, where his men were already waiting for a direct order, he smiled at them and spoke.

As you know, the Hyuga clan has fallen into our ambush! It's time to show which clan deserves the title of "Best kekkei Genkai wielder in the ninja world." The uchihas under his command began to shout with excitement and determination while Madara smiled. She knew that as long as she had these men motivated they would die for the Uchiha clan no matter what but to win she needs to sacrifice... She knows it very well.