
Before I could comprehend what happened, the police shoved both of us onto the floor. They started yelling something I didn't understand, then looked toward the both of us with disdain in their eyes.

Crovera gave me a subtle wink before I was hit in the head so hard I blacked out. My last thought before the world turned black was, "NO! YOU HAVE THE WRONG PERSON!"

Suddenly, I awoke in the back of a police car. There was glass covered in scratches and the windows had iron bars. The seats were hard plastic, really uncomfortable. Nobody was next to me, just a silent officer in front of me, protected by the glass.

Almost like he felt me staring with confusion, he turned to me and said, "You absolute piece of shit." His look of hatred, of disdain, the look of superiority, it was clear he thought I was her accomplice. "I didn't help her I swear officer," I said, my defeated tone didn't go unnoticed as he scoffed at me.

"Every piece of shit like you says that, once we arrive at the station the footage will be reviewed. Then you will have no choice but to admit you're a lying scumbag," the officer said to me, his eyes backing up his words, he truly thought I did it.

I was more nervous in that single day than I had been in my entire life. The officers came in while Crovera was kissing me for Christ's sake! "It's alright when they check you'll be cleared," my mind said to me, I was innocent after all, I'd be fine.

In the blink of an eye, I was sitting in a cell, more iron bars surrounded me, as did men in gray uniforms. The cliche gray walls and the dull lifeless atmosphere made me feel truly hopeless for a moment. "Are you…Alright?" Crovera asked me in a small meek voice. It was obvious she realized that the reason I was in there was her. 

"Peachy," I responded in a sarcastic voice. I attempted to force a grin, but nothing would come. The day was far too dark for someone to smile, especially me. Everything was far too messed up for me to be optimistic.

"I wanna cry," I thought, but the tears remained in my eyes. As I looked around me and took in my surroundings, the station was genuinely horrible, as were the cells.

Moss poked out from the bared-off windows. Grass found its way through the cracks in the floor. Worst of all, a really, nasty-looking man sat in the same cell as me and Crovera, and he kept staring at Crovera's chest and smiling, obviously undressing her with his eyes.

"Hey, assbag!" Crovera called out, looking at the perverted man, he looked nearly fifty. I blinked and suddenly, the man lay there dead. 

A sharp pocket knife stuck out his neck. It dawned on me that if Crovera wanted to kill me, she could with absolutely no trouble. "HEY!" the guard overlooking us yelled out, in obvious shock. Much to my dismay, he pulled out his Taser and shot Crovera. 

Seeing him do that, I shouted as loud as possible, "STOP IT!" Well me shouting it worked, as the officer turned his attention to me. I truly don't understand why I shouted and drew his attention to me, yet I did.

"SHUT UP YOU LITTLE SHIT!" the officer shouted back at me, pulling out his gun and pointing it at me. "Are you serious? Two times in one day?" I remarked in annoyance. 

"Stop it this instant!" someone in a blue outfit said from the entrance to the cell, he was the chief. Sensing the dangerous change in the atmosphere, the guard put away the gun and the taser.

"Appreciate it, if you don't mind, I have someone to check on," I said, walking straight past the officer and brushing aside Crovera's violet hair. Her pulse was a bit higher than usual, but it was out of stress. "Thank you, health class," I silently muttered, a slight grin on my face, as I stood up.

I knew now that she was going to be alright, well on the tasing side of things. The chief looked at me, usually, I'm an expert on reading people's faces and eyes, he was no different. His face showed a mixture of pity, shock, and a vague sense of… admiration. He had seen the footage, although I didn't understand the admiration. 

"Am I free to go now, or not?" I asked after debating for a full minute in silence. "Under any normal circumstance. However, your caretaker requested you stay overnight anyway," the chief explained to me, all I did when I heard that was sigh. I now understood the look of pity.

"I see," I responded, I wasn't shocked as he had pulled stunts similar to this all the time, to be more specific, on a daily he did this. Leaving me in absolutely horrible situations was in a way, his calling card. Well, it was that or the bane of his existence. Suddenly the chief moved towards Crovera, I was unsure about the look in his eyes, so I moved in front of her. 

"Back away from her, right god damn now," I warned, venom and malice filled my voice, although I didn't mean for it to. There are lots of things I never understood when it came to Crovera, this was for sure one of them. "Watch how you speak to him boy!" the officer called out, gripping his pistol. So before responding, I cleared my thoughts…

"Why don't you try and make me?" I told him. "Wait what? Why the hell did I just say that?" I thought in worry, I was getting nervous again. Almost as if something dragged her back to her body, Crovera sat up, breaking the heavy tension that was building in the room. 

Soon enough, I had no clue what was going on, everything was moving way too fast for me to catch up. Looking at everyone's faces only helped me understand what was going on very vaguely, which didn't help much. 

Crovera was defending me, the officer wanted to tase me or at least hit me with his baton, and the chief was attempting to diffuse the situation, although he didn't do a very good job. "Man, this freaking sucks," I muttered aloud, getting everyone's attention, they were probably surprised by the suddenness of my voice.

The chief, hearing me speak, cleared his throat before speaking, "You're free to go," he said, "Free to go," was funny to me as I had nowhere "to go." It was a seriously horrible situation to be in all around. "I'll just stay in the waiting room till morning," I responded, seeing as I legit had nowhere to go, and nothing to do. 

There I sat in yet another blink of an eye, sitting in an uncomfortably red leather chair, which reminded me of the blood-filled halls, and the screaming from earlier. However, at least in the chair, I could see Crovera a bit. She was absolutely beautiful, and her stealing my first kiss didn't bother me much at all, at least I lost it to a beautiful person like her.