
In my position, I could see Crovera. The way the light reflected off her face, emphasizing her beauty, and even the way her skin shined a beautiful sparkle, even the bad lighting couldn't knock down her beauty.

Her long violet hair, her black bat-shaped hairpin, and her beautiful purple eyes. It was as if the world was teasing me, if only she hadn't killed those people, maybe we could have had a happy life together.

I just sat there, unmoving as I admired her beauty, sometimes I was thankful for my far-away vision being good. She took notice of my admiration, as she stared back at me and blew me a kiss. "Right… that kiss," I thought, my lips remembered the taste of hers as plain as day, they tasted sweet like peaches.

It was an amazing first kiss, not taking the murder into account of course. I couldn't lie and say that I wasn't enthralled, and captivated by her. "Beautiful," was the only word that came to mind when I looked at her. We silently talked with our eyes until midday the next day, when my "sister" finally arrived to pick me up. But before I left I had to do one last thing. 

I stopped in front of the holding cells and beckoned for Crovera to come over. Looking at her my mind felt at ease, I could do exactly what I wanted to do. She had a cheeky look in her eyes, she knew what I wanted to do. Luckily she came over and gave me a knowing look.

"Yes?" She asked, a smirk on her face. My "sister" was watching, but I didn't care. She already knew about what happened. "You stole my first kiss," I said to Crovera, but she responded in a way I didn't expect at all, "You were mine too." After she said that, I couldn't resist the temptation that was building anymore.

I grabbed her by her shirt collar, and much to everyone's shock, I kissed her the same way she kissed me the first time. "I'll see you soon beautiful," I said to her the moment our lips parted, as my "sister" started dragging me off.

"Be quick," she responded to me, still smiling. Do I understand why I did that? Absolutely not, but for some reason, it just felt right. All of a sudden all my worries faded, in that brief moment, my mind was finally at peace.

She had the unique talent to make me do stupid things, she showed that time and time again. Yes despite all that, I knew in my heart that she was my first love. A murderer was my first love, and I was fine with it.

"WHAT IN THE EVER LOVING HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" my "sister" yelled at me, as we exited the station. "I've been asking myself the same thing," I remarked, deep in thought. "No phone for three days, and no dinner for five," she said in an angry tone. This was the most common punishment I ever received, so I just nodded. 

"If Dad finds out…" she started, but I cut her off. "Except as long as you don't say anything, he won't." In truth, I knew before we even left the station that he already knew, I mean they called him directly, she was a lying, manipulative, and deceitful person by nature. She showed this time and time again. 

Her face showed discomfort and anger. She was pissed off at me for the stunt I pulled at the station. I couldn't blame her though, I was confused about myself. After a long silent ride, she finally spoke. "You kissed a serial killer, a murderer." I knew that there was no avoiding this conversation.

"Yeah… Yeah, I did," I muttered back, my actions had dawned on me long ago, my fate was sealed long before I left the station. 

We were still a bit away from the house, so I stayed quiet, lost in my thoughts. By lost I mean stuck on a raft in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean with my thoughts lost. That is the most accurate I could describe it.

"Dammit," I finally muttered, breaking the newfound silence. "Everything become clear to you yet?" she asked me. "Depends on your definition," I retorted, getting a long groan in return. 

"Almost there," I thought, watching the familiar trees fly past the car window. My breathing became more ragged as well, and sweat slowly started dripping down my forehead the closer we got.

"2 minutes," I commented. "Say your prayers kiddo," she muttered back to me, she could hide it all she wanted with her stone-cold face, I knew who she truly was. 

"So it begins," I muttered, walking through the front door, and starting the trek toward my room in the attic. "Home life, isn't that another factor in people's lives and decisions? I wonder how Crovera's home life is?" I thought as I walked up the stairs to the attic.

The attic was cramped, with boxes and crates everywhere, and a lone red bed in the middle of the room, my bed reminded me of the grizzly seen the day before. 

"WORTHLESS DAMN CHILD!" my "father" shouted from the living room. My guess was spot on, she had already told him, I could feel that she was smirking on the inside, probably happy I would get my ass beat.

"Not particularly like I care at this point, but my chances of getting my ass battered and bruised are now sixty-percent," I muttered, locking the trapdoor to the attic and putting a few crates on top. More than likely he was drunk anyway, so he wouldn't remember. 

*BAM! BAM! BAM!* my "father" beat on the trapdoor. "Never thought I'd say this, but I prefer the cell right about now," I muttered, as I plopped down on my bed, listening to the the banging. My "father" beat on it for quite a while before giving up, presumably to drink another beer. "If I was stronger could I ever kill him? Would Crovera consider him kill worthy?" I asked myself, tears sliding down my face, All I wanted was a happy life, was that too much to ask?

"I need to run away," I thought, the moment the sun started beating down on my face. The thing was that I had no money, no job, and no friends. That and on top of all of this, my planning skills were absolutely garbage. But there was no time to dwindle on.

I grabbed a piece of paper, moved the boxes and crates that were over the trapdoor, and wrote down. "So many scars led to this choice, so many bruises endured. But after everything I've put up with, I have decided to leave." I wrote down all that along with some very selective words, before taping it to the trapdoor. 

After leaping through my window, I landed in a bush. The ground gave me a very soft and warm embrace. Luckily I was able to roll with my arm and avoided breaking anything on impact. However, I startled and possibly traumatized a woman walking her dog with my fall. "Ow, shit it hurts. It looks much easier in the movies," I muttered through gritted teeth, but this pain was temporary.

"Run you absolute buffoon!" my brain yelled at me, so I started running as fast as I could. Where I was running to I had no clue, but anywhere was better than there. "God I am such an idiot," I thought, I had no plan on top of doing some choice things, there was no going back. I decided to go wherever my legs carried me.