
"2 hours before the trial starts and the atmosphere is getting more and more tense by the second. The family members of the deceased are pleading for justice, specifically, they want the judge to deliver a fast verdict of which they beg for Crovera Jackson to receive the death penalty. This is Becky Sharp signing off, I'll see you all during the trial."

"FASTER DAMMIT!" I screamed in my head, it was nearly noon which meant that the trial was about to start. Suddenly, the courthouse came into my view, I only had around five minutes to make it into the courtroom.

"SPEED THE HELL UP!" I shouted at my legs in my mind, they felt like molten metal was being poured on them at that point. I finally arrived not long after shouting that, and almost fell over due to the pain in my legs. 

The large burly wooden frame of the courthouse, and the cross on top of it, stood out to me. It was the first time I had ever seen such a large building, let alone be right up next to it. As I entered, I saw a long shiny marble hall. Bronze gargoyle statues surprised me, it was a bizarre sight. That's when I finally slowed down enough to notice this was my first time inside a courthouse.

I knew which room the trial for her was being held in, but not how to get there. "I think I made a mistake," I mumbled as I walked past the large dark wooden doors. "Hello again young man," a familiar old voice said from behind me, I turned around to face the old woman from the grocery store.

"Oh no," I thought, remembering Crovera murdered her son, and I had witnessed it. Her sunken wrinkled face indicated she had been crying lately. "Could you tell me how to get to room #153?" I asked her, trying my best to push the memory away.

Her face fell when I asked that, but she answered anyway. "Follow me, I'm going over there anyway." I couldn't look her in the face, I didn't deserve to look her in the eyes. "Oh shit, oh shit! OH SHIT!" I thought, my mind racing 100 mph. Forget being nervous about the trial, I just talked to the mother of the person Crovera murdered at the hospital!

"A-Are you okay?" I finally asked her, although I knew the answer. "Cro-Whatever that bitches name was killed my only son," she said, close to tears. "I'm so sorry," I responded, it wasn't fake words, I was. I didn't want anyone to die, I would never want that.

"Sorry, I shouldn't be talking to you about her crimes, you probably lost someone to her too," the old woman said, as she noticed my face droop and beads of sweat start forming. "It's alright ma'am. Just try to be safe, for your son's sake," I replied, my heart hurt when I said that.

As if someone punched me as hard as possible in the chest. Before I knew it, we arrived outside the room. "Keeping the theme of ridiculously sized doors I see," I mumbled. 

Then I entered the room, holding open the door for the woman, it was the least I could do. The endless rows of chairs, the strange wooden gate near the huge podium in the room, and the crowds of people in the chairs and stands nearby really surprised me.

I had never been in a courthouse, let alone a courtroom. I looked around at people's faces, and the emotion in everyone's eyes almost brought me to tears. She took someone from all these people, I loved a monster.

"No, you're the monster Adrien," my mind spoke to me, venom flowing wildly. I knew I loved the wrong person, but you can't choose who to love. At least that's what I kept telling myself. "I'm a damn monster," I thought, sadness seeped through, as did a single tear. Luckily my face was blurred on the news, otherwise, I would have been fighting the reporters in the room to get to a seat.

"All sit, let the prosecution speak!" the Judge's voice boomed out. "Your honor, we seek the maximum penalty possible, either life in prison with no chance of parole or the death penalty. Her crimes include, killing sixteen people in cold blood, murdering five officers, and that's all she is currently being charged with," the prosecutor explained.

"Now the defendant!" the Judge ordered, she held lots of power to be called "your honor." Either way, I looked at it, she was screwed. "Your honor, my client murdered the first ten in self-defense.

She was constantly under the threat of being raped. But she is willing to plead guilty for the murder of the officers, she seeks the lightest sentence possible," the defender explained to the judge. 

"Very well, please continue defendant," the Judge ordered once more, there was a chance. "Your honor, my client killed the first officer for attempting to rape her in her cell! What makes it worse is those 'boys' she killed, had repeatedly threatened to rape her and harm her! Why should she get in trouble for killing people who posed a threat to her and others!" Crovera's lawyer had a… fucking bad opening.

"CROVERA MURDERED 16 PEOPLE! THAT DEFENSE IS JUST AS BAD AS THE CRIME ITSELF!" the prosecutor yelled. "OBJECTION IRRELVENT!" Crovera's lawyer shouted back. Both lawyers went back and forth like that for a bit before the Judge finally stepped in. "ORDER! ORDER!" Luckily she shut them up quickly like that. "GUILTY SEND THAT BITCH TO HELL!" the old woman in the crowd yelled. "Ah shit," I thought.

"BEHAVE IN MY COURTROOM OR GET OUT!" the Judge ordered. "Yes your honor, sorry your honor," both lawyers said at the same time, it was mesmerizing seeing someone with power like that. The Judge's voice was important, if she said Crovera was guilty, she was guilty. As much as I wanted Crovera to be free, I knew she had to pay for her crimes.

"What am I doing? Why do I want a murderer to be free- IS THAT MY 'FATHER' IN THE JURY?!?" I thought, seeing my "father" interrupted my train of thought. "You've gotta be freaking kidding me," I muttered.

"Continue," the Judge ordered. "In light of all this, Crovera pleads guilty for a light sentence," Crovera's lawyer finished, leaving the Judge and other Lawyer dismayed. "She's so fucked," I mumbled aloud.

"We would like to push strictly for the death penalty now," the prosecutor said, shocking the Judge, Crovera, and her lawyer. "Rise and give the Judge and Jury the evidence for that extreme of a punishment," an officer ordered, a single look at him and I could tell he was corrupt scum. Hearing this, the prosecutor scrambled for some papers and handed them to the Judge.

The Judge spent a while looking at the papers and live footage of what happened, before passing it to the Jury. For some reason, it wasn't just the Judge or Jury voting, it was both. 

*2 hours later.*

"Your honor, everyone has reached a verdict," my "father," said as he passed the Judge back some papers and a notecard. The Judge saw what was written on the card and agreed. "Due to the severity of the crime and the fact both the Jury and I agree, the final verdict for Crovera Jackson is…Guilty, and the punishment is the death penalty, the court is now adjourned," the Judge declared. 

After hearing the verdict reporters swarmed Crovera as she was escorted to a metal door. "This is Becky Sharp reporting live from the ****** courtroom where Crovera Jackson just had her trial, the final verdict was the death penalty. When she will be executed and how is yet to be determined, but stay tuned for the…" As Becky continued on I ignored her, I was in shock by the whole thing, but I was even more sure I wanted to be a lawyer.

I would be able to clean up the filth-riddled law system. I was no longer just doing this for Crovera, it was for a better place for kids to grow up in. To make sure this never happened again.