
After the trial, the weeks flew by. I visited the victim's graves and apologized, same with families. The families thought I was apologizing because I knew the pain of having my loved one ripped away by her, and I couldn't tell them the truth. I felt guilty, some started suspecting something with the way I was acting, but luckily none fully caught on.

It was unfair to have their lives ripped away from them, but that was just a side reason, I felt responsible. Life went on though. I visited Crovera a bit, although I can't remember why. All my mind screamed was monster, it got to the point I didn't know who it was talking about.

"She deserves this!" my mind screamed at me, I just ignored it though. I was a few weeks away from graduation faster than I thought, and my SAT scores were so good Yale offered to pay for my scholarship, which was cool. While I was thinking about the weeks, I heard a loud sound downstairs. *BANG BANG!* All of a sudden gunshots rang out from down there.

I was terrified, although I had become used to fear at this point. Regardless, slowly my sweaty hand grabbed the trapdoor handle and pulled it up.

I swung it open and dropped down the stairs, landing in a crouched position. As I lifted my head, the barrel of a gun and I had a sappy reunion. "ARE YOU FU-" I started to yell before I was hit. *WHACK!* The stock of the gun slammed into my head.

"Are you shitting me right now?" I thought, clutching my newly bleeding nose. My heart was beating fast, really fast and it seemed like the world slowed down. Yet strangely I was calm.

"Shit I hit him!" my "sister" said. "What the hell is going on?" I asked in surprise. "You just had to get hit," she responded, turning the gun to face me, her eyes told me everything I needed. So it didn't take me very long to put two-and-two together. 

"You killed 'father' and were gonna blame me for his murder!?" I shouted, and fear finally took hold of me. "You always were too smart for your good," she said, aiming the gun towards my abdomen. "I can't get brains on my dress," she told me, pressing her finger to the trigger slowly. 

"POLICE!" the chief yelled from the living room, someone had at least called the cops. *Cough!* I spewed blood out of my mouth, she had shot me before jumping out the window and leaving. The dark red entrancing blood pooled slowly below me, bleeding from my stomach.

"NO! PLEASE! I HAVEN'T DIED YET, SO DON'T LET ME DIE HERE!" I shouted in my head, and red slowly filled my vision. "FIGHT! DON'T DIE HERE! It hurts so bad though. NO! DON'T GIVE IN! I just want to rest. FIGHT ADRIEN FIGHT!" my thoughts mixed for a bit before I was about to pass out. "He…lp me!" I strained out, using all my remaining energy. *Thud.*

This time I remembered my dream, I was trapped in a cage. The heat was unbearable, it was so bright and it hurt so badly. The cage was stuffy and dusty, I felt like I was trapped inside a cave with the air.

Slowly it got brighter and much hotter, then right before I died. I awoke.

"HE LIVES!" the chief shouted from above me. "Ow," I murmured as I stirred awake, slowly adjusting to the bright light. "One near-death experience after another," I thought, my head was throbbing, and the bandage on my stomach was stained red.

"Welcome back to the land of the living kiddo," a doctor said from beside me, although sometimes I would have preferred to stay in the land of the dead.

"Not very glad to be back," I responded drowsily, I was seriously done with life at that point. "Good news Adrien, first off, I paid your very pricey surgery bill. Second, you got a letter from Yale while you were out!" the chief said proudly from my other side. Pulling out a white letter with a bold "Y" on it.

I opened the letter to reveal, "Congratulations! You've been accepted into Yale.." I didn't pay any attention to the rest though as tears welled up inside me. "On second thought, not the worst exchange," I mumbled, near-death experiences aren't anything compared to getting accepted into Yale.

After that day, my eight straight years of hell began, and the chief supported me through all of it, even letting me live with him. I arrived outside the college shortly after I healed. Luckily, I got a scholarship program, so I didn't have to spend three near-death experiences worth of money to pay off my student loans.

The building was a bright unbearable red. Like it was announced, "HEY! I'M RIGHT HERE! I'M BETTER THAN ALL OF YOU!" A classy yet snobby look.

The inside wasn't much better honestly, it was a dull gray. Gold-framed plaques lined the super bright wall, it was over-compensation for sure. The ceiling was more boring than everything else, which is saying something. A mosquito would be more interesting than the room I was in.

People stared at everything with amazed eyes, even the snobby-looking kids. With a single glance at all the kids, I could tell none of them had a good reason to be there, but I did. My reason was greater than all of theirs. I was going to fix the shitty system and free Crovera.

All my shitty college life adventures started there though, and every one of them bored me half to death. Even graduating top of the school didn't make me the least bit happy, I cried too many nights to get excited over it. 

After I graduated a huge law agency took me in immediately. They weren't the very best, but they were ranked second which wasn't bad. The workload was uninteresting, I handled some cases fast, and others took me a while. I handled some high-profile cases, and some petty squabbles, none of which were very interesting.

Although one was exciting for me, the Clark V Jason case. I got my ass kicked that entire case. In short, Clark shot Jason's dog for biting his kid, Jason was a rich moron of a snob and tried to bribe me to lose on purpose. I told the chief about it, and Jason got triple-charged and landed himself plenty of jail time.

It was a fun case, but some of the people I had to work with sucked. Jason even got so pissed at being arrested he hired a hitman from inside a jail to kill me. Which didn't work very well considering I lived with the chief of police.