
The next case I got was my "sister's" case. I was going against her, I represented the state. She was being charged with, assault with a deadly weapon, owning an unregistered firearm, attempted murder, and murder.

She climbed the "World's Worst Sisters" list with that one. She even got a charge for elder abuse among others. I was possibly the worst person to handle her case, especially considering my vendetta. Don't misunderstand me, my "father" deserved to die, but she tried to frame me for his murder.

"What a horrible idea, I love it," I thought, a grin slowly appearing on my face. It was certainly a good way to get closure. Luckily she and Crovera were in the same prison, so I could visit Crovera during it. Unfortunately, though, I already knew, "This is gonna be a long case."

Partly because the word "retrial" screams long case in the world of law. It also screams, "NO SLEEP FOR A WEEK!"

"So I have to ask the detectives that took care of her case, and get all the information I need, simple enough," I muttered, as I drove to the police station where the chief was working, bringing a donut in tow.

"Just as bad as I remember," I mumbled as I walked into the station. "How the hell did I ever break Crovera out of here?" I wondered, before setting my eyes on the chief, that's when I finally realized. "He wiped the footage to keep me from getting in trouble!"

Even though I finally noticed, I chose not to ask him about it. I didn't want to stir any bad memories. Besides, why bother someone for letting you go? "Hey, Adrien!" he called out cheerily, I passed him the donut I brought along as I sat down across from him at his desk.

"Hey, chief!" I responded. "Ooo chocolate glazed my favorite, also how many times must I ask for you to call me by my name?" he asked me annoyed. "As many as you want to," I replied with a smirk. I got nothing except a sigh in return.

"Enough mindless banter, you never bring me a donut unless there's a problem. What's up?" he asked me, he knew me a bit too well. "I need Jasmine's case file, and the name of the detective in charge of it," I responded, deciding to get straight to the point.

"Wasn't your sister's case open and shut? I mean we caught her right after. She had planned to kill your father, take his money, and run away with her boyfriend. Pretty open and shut," he explained confused. "Retrial," I said with a sigh. 

"Long night ahead of you buddy, I'll go get the file, but the officer in charge was killed four years ago," the chief explained, scratching his head. 

"Wonderful… thanks for the file chief," I said, leaving the station. "CALL ME BY MY NAME!" the chief called out through the open door. But I just gave him a wave and stepped into my car, the slick black interior amazed me every time. "Alright to the prison," I muttered as my car started, driving off into the pitch-black night.

"Crovera?" the guard at the desk asked me as she saw me walk in. "Same as always," I responded, emptying my pockets into the bin. "Nobody ever visits her, weirdo," she muttered as I walked through the door.

The prison Crovera was in was strictly an all-female prison. The guards and even the warden were females too, it was to keep prisoners from seducing guards. Mainly because male guards would fall for the simplest of seduction techniques in a heartbeat.

"How've you been Crovera?" I asked her as we both sat down and picked up the phone. But she didn't respond. "What's wrong, what happened?" I asked concerned. "Go away," she stated firmly. Her eyes declared nothing happened, but they reflected pain as she said this. "She's trying to protect me, but from what?" I asked myself when I left, I couldn't say no and stay. It was obvious she was serious. 

"Hey, Joey. I got the file, I'm gonna eat real quick though before I head to the office," I said, leaving my boss a voicemail. He had a habit of calling at the worst times. "Sandwhich Queen is pretty good at night," I said to myself as I entered the drive-thru.

"Shit, I'm almost late!" I shouted in my head as I burst through the courthouse doors. Luckily, just in the nick of time, I arrived and no jury was present meaning this could be over today. "Let's end this now!" I yelled in my head, I would finally have my revenge. 

"ALL RISE!" an officer ordered as the Judge walked in. After the Judge sat down, then, we were allowed to. "Let the prosecution speak first," the Judge ordered, it was obvious he was in a bad mood today.

"Your honor, it has taken eight years to get here and I intend on having her put away for the full fifty years to life," I said, clearly stating my intentions with this case. "Let the defendant speak now," the Judge ordered, paying close attention to me.

"My client would like to lower her sentence to five years in prison and 1200 hours of community service," Jasmine's lawyer said, shocking the Judge.

"THAT IS THE MOST ONE-SIDED DEAL IN ALL OF THE LAW!" I yelled out, getting a nod from the Judge. "Prosecution, state the case and evidence that points to Jasmine Green being the person who killed her father," the Judge ordered.

"First off, Jasmine murdered her flesh and blood, then tried to blame her adopted brother. Due to the heinous nature of her crimes and the fact she is smiling in her chair right now, we have reason to believe she holds no remorse, and the person she tried to frame saw it all unfold," I explained, the Judge nodded along as I continued. 

Eventually, both of us finished stating our cases, well before her lawyer spoke up again with something stupid. "Your honor we are well aware of the one-sided nature of our deal, however, she has good behavior and should be allowed a chance," he stated before I cut him off.

"OBJECTION! HIGHLY IRREVLEVENT!" I shouted. "Sustained," the Judge responded, wrapping up the whole ordeal, fear flashed across Jasmine's once confident face as that unfolded. It was pitifully obvious she thought some "good behavior" would get her out of prison. Pitiful bastard, she was everything wrong with society.

*1 hour later.*

"All rise! The Judge has reached a verdict!" the officer from before yelled out, as the Judge entered the room. "There shall be no changes to her charge, it is clear she holds no remorse, nor does she seem to understand what she did," the Judge finished, leaving her in dismay as she was escorted out of the courtroom. "NO! YOU BASTARDS!" she screamed.

"YES!" I screamed in my head as I exited the courthouse, finally, I had seen her pay for her crimes. I had finally won. *BZZZZT* my phone vibrated in my pocket, it was the number for Crovera's prison. "Hello?" I asked as I answered the phone. "Help," was all I heard, and I was sprinting to my car.