Isyx at the gate

I was standing outside her garden, and the beautiful girl was admiring her flowers. She had grown many the past month, and I gotta hand it to her. They are beautiful. She seemed lost in thoughts because she was gazing a lot. The sun was still shining above her head but further away some dark clouds packed above the houses threatening with a rain shower. She was about to go inside but I was lost in her movements so I wanted to follow her. I've learned some manners growing up, so I opened the gate before entering her garden. The gate opened with a loud squeaky noise, something I didn't expect to happen, so she noticed. I was invisible because I didn't want her to see me. I turned back out of the gate and closed it again. She double-checked the gate because she turned again. I could read a little fear off of her face. She wasn't a scarty cat, but some things are scary enough to scare her a little bit. I did it more often than just this once and the first time she was very scared, nowadays she wouldn't be scared so easily. She had been living in this house for about 3 years now. I guess she likes nature a lot because she's the first person who actually wanted to live here after 20 years. I never went to the edge of the woods, but when I noticed someone was living in this house again, I wanted to see the new owner and visit him or her at least once. The first time I visited her, she didn't have the protective shield around her living place, but when she noticed the forest was wicked and creepy, she started to build one. You gotta know she has some magical abilities herself, but it did take her somewhat more time to build this big one. I was once trapped inside her garden because I stayed in for too long, and she had put on the shield already. I couldn't leave because it didn't let anything magical through once it's there. Now, I made sure to be out of the garden before she put on the shield. Otherwise, my mother would be very worried about me.