Brutal Training I

The next day, I found myself at the training grounds at sunrise first thing in the morning. Even if Damon didn't tell me to skip breakfast, I woke up late enough that I didn't have time to get food anyway. 

I thought Damon and I would be the only ones present at such an obnoxiously early hour, but to my surprise, there were already men and women warming up at the field in various forms of undress, and I had to avert my eyes at the nonchalant display of flesh.

Was it mandatory for everyone to dress like they were at the beach? Was I missing some memo about proper attire? Nicole had not mentioned this to me when she helpfully pointed the route to the training grounds last night at dinner. 

Then again, it wasn't as though I had many clothes to wear for such an occasion. I peered down at my oversized tee and shorts― the T-shirt was raided from Blaise's own cupboard, and I snagged a pair of his more serviceable boxes to become my new pair of pants.