Brutal Training II

"Come on, Harper," Elijah cheered from my side. "Just one more and you're done."


I had completed nineteen out of twenty of Damon's hellish laps around the field. It was a miracle I had even made it this far― if it were me of the past, I would've probably been knocked out cold by the fifth round or so, even at the peak of my physical health.

Elijah — and the rest of the wolves present at the training session — had completed their rounds long ago. By the time I was on my tenth round, Elijah had already completed his. He ran an additional nine rounds just to make sure I wouldn't die midway through. Even so, he didn't seem to even be breaking a sweat.

"I think I'm about to hurl," I said. "Is this why Damon advised against getting breakfast before coming here? I thought I should at least eat before exercising."