Watery Depths II*

Blaise pressed a quick kiss to my face, repeating his actions on each of my cheeks, my forehead, the tip of my nose, and then finally on my lips. I leaned into his hold as he did so, digging my hands into his hand, gently tugging at the strands as I moaned against his lips.

He pulled down my bottoms, throwing them to one side before his fingers slipped under my panties and between my wet folds. Gently, he fingered the supple flesh as I gasped and squirmed at the sensation. Instinctively, I rocked my hips against his touch. He was teasingly close to the entrance and I desperately needed to feel him inside.

"You're so wet already," Blaise commented, pulling his fingers out to show them to me. 

His fingers were coated heavily with my slick, and when he separated his index and middle finger, I could even see a string of my arousal linking his two fingers together before they dripped down.