
I didn't know when I had fallen asleep. All I knew was that there were gentle, soothing strokes made to the top of my head, smoothing my hair down the entire time. When I cracked open my eyes, I found myself still by Blaise's bedside in the infirmary, the place eerily dark.

As soon as I sat up, the weight on my head quickly disappeared. My attention was first drawn to the moon and then to Blaise. I sucked in a sharp gasp of air when a pair of silvery gray eyes stared back at me.

"Blaise…" I murmured his name under my breath, my heart pounding against my ribcage. The beating of it was so hard and loud that it was practically deafening. A swirl of excitement and relief pierced through my chest, and for a moment, I couldn't discern who these feelings were from.