Crumbled Partnership I

"What do you mean by that?" Damon barked out. The peaceful atmosphere that had enveloped the infirmary was rapidly disintegrating with Elijah's sudden news. My own mind was in a flurry of shock at Elijah's words. I could still remember Blaise telling me a while ago, when we shared our first meal together, that Fangborne didn't have its own crops, farmland, or livestock. 

All food was imported from the nearest town, Everhaven in exchange for protection and possibly money.

So if Everhaven didn't want to send Fangborne food, what were all of us going to eat? Would we be forced to graze like horses?

"Damon, it's exactly what I said," Elijah said, quickly elaborating further when he caught sight of the rapidly darkening look on Damon's face. "I mean, their representative had just informed us that they refuse to have dealings with us any longer."