Modern Magic

Blaise looked just as befuddled as I felt. 

"I have no idea, only Damon would know," he said in a low voice, mindful of any possible ears that could still be listening in on our conversation. 

He held my hand, and I knew where we were about to go― to Damon's room, where Dahlia would finally, for once, not be present. I let Blaise lead the way, my mind too confused with the implications of my missing mating mark to pay attention to things like directions. 

Did Damon somehow remove my mark? Was such a thing even possible? I still felt his emotions, so surely it couldn't be anything more than a cosmetic change. But then, our bond has been weakening since we hadn't renewed it in a long while. 

Could marks fade if there was no renewal between both parties? Was it possible for the bond to die, the same way that a seed left to fend for itself amongst the unfavorable elements would inadvertently fail to sprout and bear fruit?