Rejected Mates Reunited I

The brothers must've sensed my emotions for they suddenly stopped their conversation. 

"Harper, why are you jealous?" 

My head snapped to face their direction after being called out so blatantly by Blaise. Instantly, my cheeks flushed red and my lips parted, gawking wordlessly. Damon even raised an eyebrow, their matching expressions making me feel as though I was seeing double.

I gulped, swallowing the bile in my throat as the gears in my head started to turn in search of an answer.

"I'm touched," Damon said, a small smirk worming its way onto his features the longer I kept my silence. He had a hand placed over his chest where his heart would be, and even though our feelings were connected, not physical senses, my own chest felt warm too at the same position where he touched his. "Jealous? Over little ol me?"