A Cure?

My heart was racing for an entirely different reason altogether now.

'You serious?! What can I do?' I jabbed at my phone with such vigor that the other three men were staring at me in surprise.

"Did Damon send something rude?" Milo asked with a quiet murmur, and Darach could only snort.

"Is he capable of not being rude?"

"Hey!" Kyle exclaimed, affronted by this slight on Damon's character. "I'll have you know that Alpha Damon is nothing but kind to Harper!"

Darach stared back at Kyle with one incredulous eyebrow raised until a sheepish expression crossed Kyle's face. 

"Well, he wasn't like this in the beginning. But he had changed a lot!" Kyle reluctantly admitted. He, like the rest of Fangborne, were privy to the rocky tumultuous relationship I shared with Damon at the very beginning.

It's not every day you see fated mates challenge each other to ritual combat; Damon hadn't even shown mercy.