Warmth From Home

Sleep evaded me for the entire night. Despite the plush bed and the comfortable room Darach had kindly provided me, I wasn't able to drift off easily.

The trip from Fangborne to Thunderstrike had left my body exhausted and sore. However, even that wasn't enough to knock out my active mind. Now that the morning sunlight had crept through the shields of dawn, I was left even more tired than when I had crawled into bed last night. 

My arms reached across the bed, only to find it cold and empty, and instantly, I felt my heart drop to my stomach. Blaise would usually always be there to greet me first thing in the morning, and yet, we were now miles apart. 

I couldn't even feel him through our bond when it was something as easy as breathing just one day ago. The sensation was foreign, to say the least.