
[Third POV]

For a city that was praised as the new tourist hotspot, there wasn't a lot that Upper Lumen had to offer.

The streets were filthy― trash was everywhere and certain parts of the city stank heavily of the sewers, even more so when a werewolf's nose could sniff out the differences in the air a lot better than the average human. There were homeless people sleeping on the streets, and Damon realized that robbers outnumbered the beggars present once he got closer to the downtown area.

Ever since he left the building, there had been hunters and vampires alike trailing after him, curiously watching his next move. For the most part, they kept their distance. Even the vampires which Damon hadn't been promised safety from were careful not to interact too much with him. The most it got to was just a sideways glance or a nasty glare, something which Damon was more than happy to return.