Special Ingredient

[Third POV]

"Gone?" Damon echoed. "What do you mean 'gone'?!"

He immediately felt his own temper rising, followed by an oncoming migraine that was no doubt going to stay for the foreseeable future. He already had enough to deal with on his hands, with Blaise having eaten some vile, unknown substance provided by a hunter, and Harper being stuck in the same building as her killer mother. This was just adding fuel to the fire.

"We were attacked on the way back to Fangborne," Kyle said, looking almost sheepish as he watched Damon's reaction. 

There was already a vast power difference between the two― after all, even before Kyle lost his wolf, he was nothing more than a mere warrior while Damon was his alpha. But now, Kyle was as good as a human. If Damon flared up and decided to snap his neck, that would be it. He would die without much of a fight.