Off the Menu

[Harper's POV]

My vision was filled with red, and for a moment, all I could see was Blaise's blood staining the clean sheets even in the dark. 

Everything had been fine. When we went to sleep, Blaise hadn't even mentioned a peep about any discomfort. And now, just a few hours later, everything had gone so horribly wrong that I felt at a loss on how to act.

"Blaise? Blaise!" I sat up immediately, horrified by the streaks and pools of blood that were left on the bed sheet. The silvery moonlight that streamed in through the windows only made the scarlet stains more obvious.

I was a mess of limbs, unsure of what to do. However, I couldn't just stand there and watch Blaise bleed like that. Blood was pouring out of his nose, and there were slight dribbles at the corners of his lips. His eyes were turned up until only the white remained, his body trembling violently with each passing second.