Robbed of a Life

"She… she should have been." I frowned at the strangeness of Blaise's question. 

Of course my mother would be in charge of my meals; who else was there? The other person was me, and I was a mere year old when we left Stormclaw. I didn't even have control over my bowels, let alone know how to create meals for myself.

"It had always been the two of us back then. If she hadn't made me any food, I might have died from malnutrition before my father picked me up. Blaise, I was just a toddler back then," I reminded Blaise. "Why do you ask?"

To my surprise, his expression turned grave. "That explains a lot about you. The lack of a wolf, your resistance to silver… It all makes sense now."

"What?" I could barely register Blaise's words through the roaring in my ears. The final piece of the puzzle had fallen into my hands, but I could not muster up the courage to see the damning picture formed by the pieces.