Guangli was stupefied as he took in the words Ding had said. A good minute or two passed before he spoke again.
"Now wait a minute. You're saying you found the evidence stating I killed Lian's parents and you're here to seek revenge on me?"
Ding nodded and Guangli sighed rubbing his temple.
"Well, this is unexpected. I didn't think you'd believe that evidence. What if it was forged?"
Ding smirked," Forged? A close friend of mine got me this evidence. They would never deceive me."
"It seems you trust them so much huh?"
"Of course I do."
"Then they lied to you. I didn't kill Lian's parents," Li stated plainly and Ding chuckled amused.
"I told you. You can't just brush this off easily."
"What? Do you expect me to confess to a crime I didn't commit? That's a bit unfair on my part no?"
"I knew it! There's just no way you'd hurt Lian's family," Cheshire piped in.