Chapter 11: Asher

Holy fucking hell… her taste was intoxicating. I hadn't expected her to kiss me that soon and I was prepared to wait as long as I need to. But she took me by surprise… again. My brain might have short circuited, but my body knew what to do. My arms clamped around her and held her close as I took control of the kiss and deepened it. Her small moan as I plundered her mouth made my cock so hard it was painful. I craved this woman, and I wanted her more than any other woman I've ever known. She pulled away from me before I was ready to let her go, but I knew soon she'd be ours and I'd wait for her to be ready for us.

"I have a proposition for you, Zoey."

She looked at me warily. 

"Okay… what proposition? I'm not a whore so if it's that kind of proposition then you can shove it right up your ass."

I grinned at her. I loved the fire in her eyes as she glared at me.

"No, not that kind of proposition, my feisty wolf. I want you to come live with Jer, Deke, and me."

I stifled a laugh as Jer and Deke stumbled and almost fell. I hadn't talked to them about my idea yet, but I knew they wouldn't object.

"Fucking hell Ash! Warn a wolf next time. But fucking awesome idea man!" Jer sounded impressed.

"Hell ya!. That's a perfect idea. It keeps her near us without scaring her away. She doesn't know how important she is to us yet. And I'm worried if we reveal it to her too soon, she'll bolt, and we'd lose her."

"Not gonna happen Deke. Even if she bolted, we'd track her to the ends of the Earth to get her back."

"Jer… Deke… I know we all desire her, and that she desires all of us. But I think we need to take it slow with her. If these were her first kisses, then that says she's untouched. Her story didn't include rape and I'm sure that's because they didn't find her attractive enough to go against the decree to not fuck her, thank the Goddess. However impatient our wolves might be, we need to go slow. Agreed?"


"Of course. We'd never do anything to scare or hurt her."

"Umm… you're kidding right? Me?! Live with you?"

She just gaped at me in astonishment. It was so damn adorable.

"Yes. You. Live with us."

"I couldn't possibly do that."

I cocked my head sideways and looked at her. "Why not? Are we that horrible to be around?"

She turned red. 

"Oh no! Absolutely not! You guys are amazing. So much more than what I expected. But… I can't live with you just like that! I couldn't afford to pay rent or anything. Not with my salary."

"Ahh, so you're worried about paying your way? That's easily solved. We're in need of a live-in cook and sometimes maid. We don't always have time to cook, and I don't know about the other two, but I'm tired of always getting takeout. You can cook, can't you?"

She enthusiastically nodded. "Oh yes! I cook really well. In fact, some of the dishes tonight were ones I made. And I know how to keep a clean house. The Alpha at my old pack used to have me scrub his house and several other pack houses daily."

I quietly growled as she mentioned the Dark Moon Alpha. 

"Would you be willing to accept the position?"

"Would I still be able to work for Emily at the catering company? I couldn't just leave her like that."

"Of course. She's been a great friend and a good boss to you, and I wouldn't deprive either of you of that relationship."

She started to jump up and down and clap her hands in the most adorable way. 

"Yes! I'd love to come work for you. But are you sure about me living there? Won't that like, damage your reputation or something? To have a nobody living in your house?"

Deke spoke before I could. "You are NOT a nobody Zoey Donovan, and you will NEVER refer to yourself as one again. Understood?"

She looked at Deke and nodded with wide eyes that happily held no fear. "Yes sir."

I felt the bolt of lust run through Deke when she called him sir. I cocked an eyebrow at him, and he rolled his eyes at me. Holding back from taking her was going to be the hardest thing we've ever done. But in the end, it'll be so worth it.

"Good. It's settled. You move in tonight after we do the pack bond ceremony. We can gather your stuff from your apartment tomorrow."

"Wow… so soon? Like really? Tonight? Is… um… would I have my own room?"

"Of course."

"Would it… would it have a bed?"

She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth and started to chew on it. I couldn't help myself and I reached out and used my thumb to gently pull her bottom lip free. I softly soothed her lip as my thumb swept across the fullness of her bottom lip.

"Why are you asking, Zoey?" I softly asked her.

She looked embarrassed.

"You can tell us anything, darling. Anything at all. We'd never judge you." Jer took her hand and a moment later Deke took her other.

"Well… I… I… I've never had a bed before. I've always had to sleep on the floor growing up and I've never been able to afford a furnished apartment. And usually if I stayed in a shelter there weren't enough beds. And I refused to take a bed when there was a child that needed one. So, I just wondered since you guys are… well… you…. if there was a spare bed for me. I'm sorry, it was probably presumptuous of me to ask. I haven't earned the right to a bed or a room yet. I would be perfectly happy with a couch or something. Actually, never mind. I can just make a pallet on the floor with my pillow and a couple of blankets like I do now."

My heart broke. My beloved mate had never known so simple a comfort as a bed. I'd make sure she had the softest bed and all the comforts I could give her. I'd bankrupt us to make sure she had everything she could ever want. A sentiment I could feel my Beta and Gamma agreed with. 

"Oh, my sweet. Yes, we have a lot of spare rooms and they all have comfortable beds. All you have to do is pick which room you want and it's yours, bed included. Please, come home with us tonight. Let us feed you, again," I gave her a wink, "and get you where you can get some much-deserved sleep. It's been a rough night for you."

My heart almost beat out of my chest as she gave us the most devastatingly happy smile. She was just so beautiful but when she smiled like that she was extraordinary.

"Yes, please. And thank you."

I pulled her close and just held her for a moment. It was heaven to feel her arms come around my waist and give me a hug. I pulled back and skimmed the backs of my fingers over her cheek.

"Let's go ahead and officially make you a part of our pack. Are you ready?"

She gave me an enthusiastic nod and a huge grin.

"Good. Now repeat after me. I, Zoey Donovan, pledge my life and loyalty to the Silver Moon pack. I will obey the orders of my Alpha and live for the betterment of the pack."

"I, Zoey Donovan, pledge my life and loyalty to the Silver Moon pack. I will obey the orders of my Alpha and live for the betterment of the pack."

I smiled as I felt her bond to the pack slip into place.

"Welcome to Silver Moon pack, Zoey. Now everyone will know your part of the pack. You're not a rouge anymore. Now, let's go home."