Chapter 12: Zoey

I stared around the room in wonder. This room was just… beautiful. In rich tones of red and gold it looked like a room fit for a princess. I looked back at Asher, Deacon, and Jericho with wide eyes.

"Are you serious? THIS is MY room? But it's so big and fancy. I haven't done anything to deserve something like this. Maybe you have like, I don't know, a servant's quarters or something?"

My heart did a summersault as Asher gave me a small soft smile.

"Yes, I'm very serious and this is your room. We can change anything you don't like. Just tell one of us and we'll make it happen. You aren't a servant here and I want you to feel like this is your home, Zoey."

I swallowed as tears filled my eyes. I saw their worried expressions and I gave them each a smile so wide my cheeks hurt.

"I've never had a home or anyone that wanted me around. This is so amazing! Thank you so so much for all of this. And for… well… being my friends? Can I call you guys my friends?"

Deacon shocked us all when he took three large steps and swept me into his arms and twirled me around until I was giggling. 

"Absolutely, Zoey. Forever friends in a bond nothing can break. Got it?"

"Yes Deke." 

I blushed as I used his nickname but by the huge grin he gave me, it made him really happy to hear me say it. Asher and Jericho both started to snort laughter at the silly way Deacon was acting. 

"Alright Deke. Put the pretty lady down so we can show her the rest of the house and the kitchen."

Deke play pouted and it was so freaking adorable. Asher and Jericho just gaped at him. I guess they've never seen him pout before.

"Yeah yeah alright. But I don't wanna."

Deacon set me back on my feet but didn't let go of my hand. It was warm and comforting having him thread his fingers with mine. Asher led us out of my room and down the hall pointing at doors. 

"This one's my room and across the hall from you is Jer's room and across the hall from me is Deke's room. We're all close by if you need us. All you have to do is yell and we'll be here in a minute. I didn't show it to you in your room, but each bedroom has its own full bathroom attached."

I looked at the doors and wondered what their rooms looked like. They were all so different from what I'd imagined and now I couldn't wait to learn more about them. What they liked and disliked. What their interests were. What their hobbies were. Even small things like their favorite colors or TV shows. I wanted to know it all.

"Let's head back downstairs and I'll show you where the laundry room is and show you the kitchen. It should have everything you need but if anything's missing just let me know and I'll order it for you."

When we walked into the kitchen my breath caught. It was the kitchen of my dreams. All stainless steel and marble. I got excited as I imagined all the wonderful meals I'd be able to cook in here. I covered my mouth and looked at the guys with my eyes wide over my fingers.

"Oh. My. God."

"What's wrong, Zoey?"

With a squeal I dashed to Asher, threw my arms around his neck, and kissed him hard. Before he could react, I did the same to Jericho and Deacon. They looked stunned but it bled into amusement as I started to giggle and dance and twirl in a circle in the middle of the kitchen floor. 

"Absolutely nothing's wrong! This kitchen is… there are no words. Cooking has always been a passion and it's gonna be so much fun to cook and create meals in here. I mean this kitchen has everything, even an island that is just begging to be fucked on."

I heard the guys choke behind me and shot them a wicked grin. I know I usually sounded pretty innocent but then my dirty girl side shows, and it seemed to catch them by surprise every time. The heat in their eyes was so hot it's a wonder the room didn't catch on fire. Especially when I boosted myself up to sit on the island and crossed my legs. I started to brace my arms behind me as I leaned back but the pressure on my arm sent pain through me sharp enough it made me gasp and straighten up fast. I cradled my arm to my chest and breathed through the pain.

I felt hands touch my shoulder and I looked up to see Deacon standing next to me. He gently moved my other arm out of the way and took my hurt arm in his hands. 

"Wait here a minute. I'll be right back."

Deacon left the room, and I heard him go back upstairs. Asher and Jericho came to lean on the island on either side of me. 

"Where did Deke go, Jer? Um, is it ok to call you that?"

Jericho gave me a big grin as I used his nickname for the first time. 

"Absolutely my dear. He probably went to get some ointment for your arm. He might be the biggest of us but don't let that fool you. He's our nurturer. He takes care of us if we're ever hurt beyond what our shifter healing can handle quickly. He may look all growly on the outside…" Jericho paused as he heard Deacon come back into the room and dropped his voice into a fake whisper. "But inside he's a teddy bear marshmallow."

"Fuck you, Jer. I'll show you teddy bear marshmallow next time we spar and you're picking your broken ass up off the ground."

I giggled and batted my eyes at him. "Will you be a teddy bear marshmallow for me, Deke?"

He grinned at me. "Always baby, always. I brought this to help get those bruises healing faster and it'll ease some of the soreness and pain. May I?"

He held up a tub of something and I nodded. I trusted him and I knew he wouldn't hurt me more than he had to. He took the cap off and scooped some onto his hands and rubbed his hands together to warm the ointment. Gently he took my arm and started to rub it into my bruises, careful not to go over the open cuts. I closed my eyes and moaned as the pain faded and the cream numbed the bruises. I hadn't realized how much it was throbbing until it was gone. 

I opened my eyes to see three sets of very hot glowing eyes staring at me. I licked my lips and watched as their eyes zeroed in on my mouth. Fuck me, these men were going to make me self-combust at this rate. I squirmed a little and saw their eyes get hotter as they all scented my desire. 

"That… um… that feels a lot better, Deke. Thanks."

I looked around a little desperately. I'd never had so much attention on me at once that didn't spell pain and I didn't know what to do with it. 

"Um… soooo…. what do you guys want for breakfast?"

I saw them battle back their wolves and their want and breathed a little easier. I was insanely attracted to them but wasn't ready to do anything about it yet. I didn't know them enough for that and I knew I could never do what Sasha called "scratch that itch with no strings attached." I just wasn't like that and needed a connection to even think about taking that step, especially for the first time.

"Anything is fine with us, Zoey."

I frowned.