Chapter 44: Zoey

He gave a chuckle. It was cut off and changed to a deep growl as I dropped to my knees behind him and sank my teeth in his ass cheek. He moaned as I reached around and stroked his cock with one hand and reached through his legs and fondled is balls with the other.

"Fuck, sweetheart. We can't do this here. We're in the damn hallway."

My only answer was to tighten my hold and stroke him harder and faster. I gently squeezed his balls and bit just a little harder. His hips started to buck, making my teeth sink in even deeper.

"Oh fuck! Yes! Harder. Stroke me harder."

I gripped him harder and started giving a twist of my wrist as I stroked to his tip. His precum dripped down my hand, making his cock slick. His movements became frantic.

"Fuck fuck. Please, sweetheart! You're gonna make me come. Fuck…. Zoey!" 

He shouted my name as he came, and I heard Jer and Deke's doors open and sensed them come into the hallway. I knew what they saw, me kneeling behind Ash, my teeth sunk into his ass, him trembling and breathing hard, my arm wrapped around his hips, his balls still cupped in my hand and his cum dripping down my other hand that was still lazily stroking him. 

"Holy shit…" Deke's voice was a whisper.

"Me next?" Jer sounded hopeful.

I snorted and let go of Ash's ass so I could fully laugh. Jer and Deke came up behind me and together we studied the perfect imprint of my teeth on Ash's ass. 

"Damn, baby. You better fucking bite me just as hard."

"Mmm I'm quite proud of that mark. You ok there, Ash?"

He was still trembling, and I still hadn't stopped stroking his hard cock. He made a strangled noise in the back of his throat. Suddenly his body gave a jerk, and he moaned as he came again. When he was done, he dropped on all fours and panted. I was forced to let his cock go and as he turned his head and looked at me through the dark curtain of his hair, I could see his eyes go wide as I licked all his cum from my hand.

"Damn, you're so tasty, Ash."

He gave a weak chuckle and ended up just laying over on his side right there in the hallway. I gave a cheeky grin as he was still trying to catch his breath and was staring at me.

"Sooo… me next?" 

I laughed at Jer.

"You sure you want it? I mean, just look at how Ash ended up."

"Oh fuck yeah. I want it. I wanna be just a shattered as he is."

"Well strip down and step right up then. All three of you have an ass that just makes me crave to bite them." I glanced over at Deke. "You wanna go too?"

"Oh yeah, baby. I want you to sink those teeth in my ass deep."

I shivered at the hunger in his voice. Jer moved until he was right in front of me, and I saw he was hard already. I giggled as I saw Ash shift more to the side until he wasn't in front of Jer anymore.

"No offence Jer, but I don't wanna wear your cum."

"Aw come on, Ash. Why not? Then Zoe can lick it off you."

"As tempting as it is to have her tongue all over me, I'll pass. Just… no. I love you like a brother but ew."

I had to sit back on my ass for a minute and just laugh. Ash's horrified tone was just too funny. Even Jer and Deke were laughing. 

"Fair enough Ash. Now love, about that bi…. oh shit!"

I had gotten back to my knees and, as he was talking, I sank my teeth into his ass, hard. His hips bucked as I slid my hands around his hips. I massaged his balls and lightly trailed my fingers along his cock. 

"Please love, don't tease me."

He gasped as I gripped his cock tight and started to pump my hand. I bit harder and he made this whiny, needy sound that was so fucking hot. He started to pant as I stroked him faster, rhythmically squeezing at his base and tip with each pass.

"Oh fuck love, your hand feels so good. Yes! Just like that. Oh Goddess, I'm gonna come. Please make me come, love. Yyyeesss!"

His cum spilled down my hand and over his balls to drip onto the floor. Had Ash stayed where he had been, Jer's cum would have been all over his face. I glanced at Ash, and he gave me a nod with his eyebrow raised. His look clearly said 'See?' I kept stroking Jer through his orgasm and when he stopped coming, I sped up my movements. I jerked him harder, faster, squeezing his cock tighter. He made a keening sound and shouted as he came again. I slowed my hand and slowly stroked him through his orgasm again until I allowed my hand to slow to a stop. I gave a self-satisfied chuckle as Jer collapsed.

Deke looked at me. 

"I'm impressed, baby."

Jer's voice was breathy. "Me too."

"Me three. Goddess that was amazing to watch sweetheart."

I licked my hand clean of Jer's cum and gave a satisfied smirk.

"You're very welcome. Roll over Jer. I wanna see my handiwork on your ass."

He obeyed, weakly shifting. Ash gave a low whistle as he saw my bite mark.

"Is that what mine looks like?"

"Damn skippy it does. Think of it as a temporary mate mark. I plan on leaving a permanent one later."

Ash shivered. "Fuck I can't wait."

"Damn, love. If that had been any better, I think I would've passed out. I've never come like that before."

"I'll have to see if I can do better next time then."

Deke had already stripped, and he stepped in front of me and nudged Jer with his foot.

"Unless you want to bathe in my cum, I suggest you move, Jer."

"As much as I want to just lay here and learn how to feel my body again, that's a hard pass for me. I don't wanna be covered in cum any more than Ash does."