Chapter 45: Zoey

Ash gave a laugh as Jer rolled out of the way.

"Don't worry Jer. I can promise the view from here is amazing."

"I'm excited to see if our dear mate can shatter our tough-as-nails assassin here as easily as she did us."

As I ran my hands down Deke's back, I felt his voice rumble, "Oh, I sincerely hope so."

I trailed my fingers over the tight globes of his ass and slid my hands around his hips to firmly grip his cock and balls. I slowly started to stroke him, and he gave a soft moan.

"Oh baby. Your hand on my cock feels so damn good. You stroke me so well. But I want your tee…Oh yes! Fuck baby, bite me harder."

I had sunk my teeth in his ass and at his request I bit down harder. I felt him shudder and I started to harshly jerk his cock, twisting and squeezing. His loud moans filled the hallway and his hands fisted at his sides. I bit harder as he started to thrust his cock in my hand. I felt his balls draw up tight and I knew he was close. I bit so hard my teeth almost met and gave his cock a hard twist and Deke came with a shout, his hands fisted in his hair, his cum covering my hand and the floor at his feet. He trembled as I kept jerking him hard through his orgasm and rapidly built up another. I wanted to completely shatter this man, so I simultaneously squeezed his balls hard, savagely jerked and twisted on his cock, and let my teeth go. I knew that with a hard bite the release is as painful as the bite itself when it's been held for a while. Deke gave a high scream as he came as hard as I've ever seen him come. Ash and Jer jerked back in reflex as his cum hit the floor farther than anyone's had. I quickly let Deke's cock go and scooted back as his body collapsed, his torso falling backwards. I hurried to catch his head so he wouldn't hit it on the floor. 

"Oh my god! Deke! I'm so sorry! Oh god Ash, he's unconscious." I started to cry. "I didn't mean to hurt him. I just knew he liked it the roughest, but I was too rough." I sobbed as I cradled his head. "Why am I such a fuck up?"

Ash and Jer just stared at us in shock. I gasped as I saw Deke's eyes flutter open. I looked into his eyes, and he gave me such a satisfied lazy smile. He reached up and wiped my tears away and yanked my head down for a hard kiss that left me reeling. 

"Mmmm damn, baby. You hurt me so good. Fuck, you were perfect. I've never come like that before. No one's ever been happy to be rough with me."

My voice was quiet and uncertain. "Are you sure it was ok, Deke? I mean… you passed out?"

"Mmhmm. You were perfect. It just felt so damn good. I'm sorry if I scared you. But you aren't a fuck up. You are our perfect mate that knows just how to completely shatter her mates in the best way."

I looked up from Deke and saw Ash and Jer nodding. I looked from them to the mess all over the floor and my lips quirked up in a smile. 

"Yeah, I guess I did at that."

I had been careful to avoid getting cum on Deke's face as I held him and now, I looked him in the eyes as I licked his cum from my hand. I never broke eye contact, and he gave a soft growl.

"That's still fucking hot as hell, baby. I love that you love how we taste. That my baby is greedy for her mates cum. But what prompted all this?"

Ash snickered as I blushed. 

"She walked in on me changing. I had just gotten my clothes off when she walked in and stared at me. When I finally got her attention... " I rolled my eyes at him as he smirked. "She asked me to help her pick something to wear and had me walk in front of her so she could admire my ass. And the rest you know."

"Damn Ash. If your ass prompted this… I can't wait to see what fucking our mate will get going. It's gonna epic." Jer sounded like he couldn't wait.

Deke groaned. "I hate to say it, but I want food first. Our mate completely drained me, and I need a recharge before we take her." He winked at me. "I'm sure you want us all at full performing strength right, baby?"

"Oh yeah. I want you all to fuck me so hard. I want you all deep inside me. And if we can manage it, if you can be patient with me, I want all three of you inside me at the same time. I know it's gonna take some work to get you fully in my pussy and ass since they've never been stretched before, but I want it. I want all of you. Fuck I NEED all of you inside me, coming inside me as you mark me. Please? Can we do that?" 

I gave them pleading eyes and they all shuddered and groaned at my words. 

"Fucking hell, love. Oh yeah, we're gonna give you all that and more. We're gonna shatter you as hard as you did us, put you back together, then shatter you again."

I had gotten so wet while making them come and at Jer's words I got even wetter. My pants couldn't contain it anymore and I saw when they all heard my wetness drip onto the floor. Deke reached up by his head and slid his hand between my legs and hissed.

"Holy fuck baby. You are drenched! Absolutely dripping onto the floor."

He slid his fingers against where my jeans covered my pussy, getting my desire on his fingers, then pulling his hand away to suck his fingers.

"Mmm so delicious."

"Fuck, Deke. So fucking hot. Damn it, let's get dinner done so you can lick me, fuck me, spank me, and whatever else you want to do to me."

With a growl, we all got up off the floor. I looked again at the mess we made, then over at Ash. 

"Ash, if you can go pick out my clothes, I'll get this cleaned up."

"But we can do that, love."

"No, Jer. First of all, I'm the reason for the mess. Second, it's my job. Third, I get the satisfaction of knowing I can affect my mates so much."

"You do at that, love. Ok, if you're sure. Deke and I will go get dressed then."

With a nod, he and Deke scooped up their clothes and headed back to their rooms. Ash paused and looked at me.

"Thank you, Zoey."

"What for, Ash?"

"Loving us. Wanting us. Giving us a chance." He grinned. "And for the amazing orgasm."

I laughed. "You're welcome, Ash. With all my heart."

He ducked into my room, and I headed downstairs to get the mop and a bucket. My life had changed so much, but I was happy. And tonight, I was finally getting claimed by my mates.