Chapter 58: Zoey

"I will go as easy as I can sweetheart. But it's gonna hurt as you stretch this first time. You're so small and I am not a small man."

His fingers slid through my folds, and he started to circle my clit until I was a panting mess. He started to push his way inside me, and I moaned. I'd never felt so full before. There was a burning feeling as he would pull out a little and then push more in. I could hear the strain in his voice as he struggled with his need to be inside me.

"Goddess you are so fucking tight. Your pussy is like a vise on my cock. Brace yourself sweetheart. I'm gonna thrust the rest of me into you."

I whimpered as he gave a strong thrust, and he bottomed out inside me. It stung and he paused to let me get used to his size. After a few breaths the pain eased, and I shifted my hips.

"Ash… move or I will."

His answering chuckle was sexy as fuck, and he slowly pulled out until just his tip was inside me before just as slowly pushing back into me. I saw Deke and Jer stroking their cocks as they knelt beside us on the bed, and I whined.

"Please… harder… faster. Stop teasing me and claim me, my mates."

Ash's expression turned savage, and I shivered at the pure lust in his face. He pulled back and slammed into me, making me gasp and moan. He set a punishing pace and an orgasm quickly built. He felt so good inside me. The looks on Deke's and Jer's faces only made me wetter.

"Oh Goddess… I'm so close!"

Ash shifted us to where I was sitting up on my knees as Jer and Deke came closer. Each of them sucked a nipple into their mouths. I moaned and held their heads to my chest as they nipped and sucked my breasts. Ash moved his hips and hit a spot inside me I didn't even know I had. The head of his cock rubbed it with each thrust. Jer reached down and started to rub my clit. 

"Come for us, sweetheart. Come on my cock."

My orgasm swamped me, and I was screaming as I came harder than I ever had. Ash growled loudly when he felt my pussy clamp down on his cock hard.

"Fuck, you are gripping me so tight. I'm gonna come inside you. Zoey!"

Ash moaned my name as he came, and it set me off again. I was flying so high that I couldn't see or hear anything for a moment. I felt Ash's claiming bite on the left side of my neck where it met my shoulder. Jer put his mark on the opposite side of my neck and Deke put his mark just above my left breast, right over my heart.

I felt the bond between all of us snap into place. My eyes got wide as I felt someone in my head and what felt like fur rubbing under my skin.

'Hello my human. I have waited a long time to come to you and now that we are together, we will never be alone again.'

'Are you my wolf?'

'Yes. For this moment we are alone. I am blocking your mates so that we can connect and get to know each other before I meet my mates.'

'Aren't the guys your mates too though?'

'In part. The human aspects of them are your mates, the wolves are my mates.'

'Oh, I see. Are we gonna shift soon then?'

'Yes, but first I want to let you finish connecting with your mates. I am content to wait even if their wolves are impatient.'

I giggled out loud and the guys stilled and stared at me.

"Are you ok love?"

'Thank you for giving me this moment.'

'Of course. I know better than anyone how much you need to feel their love right now. I have always been hidden but watching and it broke my heart to see how much my human was suffering and not being able to help. But that is in the past and we have a happy and powerful future ahead of us.'

'Um, do you have a name? I feel I should be calling you something other than wolf.'

I felt the surprise and rush of love and warmth from her.

'In all my time of connecting with humans you are the first to ever ask for my name. Thank you, Zoey. My name is Arianrhod but call me Arian.'

'I'm happy to finally meet you Arian.'

'Same, Zoey. Now I will let your mates in and finish the mental bond connection and let you finish your physical bonding. Then it will be our wolves' time.'

'I understand.'

I saw Deke and Jer jerk back and blink and Ash stiffened behind me.

"Was that you we just heard, baby?"

I nodded and bounced on my knees a little, making Ash moan as I was still impaled on his hard cock.

"Yes! And I met my wolf! She's letting us finish having our bonding moment but then she wants her time to bond with your wolves."

I saw a grimace on Deke and Jer's faces.

"Is… is that not something you want?"

"Oh, we want it, love. Never doubt that we want to fuck you."

"It's OUR wolves, sweetheart."

I looked at Ash over my shoulder. A pained expression was on his face.

"What do you mean?"

"Your wolf might be patient, but our wolves aren't. They are trying to push us into a shift to meet their mate. They've waited a long time and are anxious to be near her."

Suddenly their faces relaxed. Jer looked at me in awe.

"Your wolf is powerful, love. She calmed ours down and now they are ok to wait until we're done."

I gave them a sultry look and they all took a deep breath.

"Then what are we waiting for. Fuck me, my mates."

They growled and it made my core clench, causing Ash to hiss a breath between clenched teeth.

"Fuck, sweetheart. You are still so damn tight around my cock. But I think it's someone else's turn to fuck your sweet pussy."

"I want all of you at the same time. Please? I need all three of you so bad."