Chapter 59: Zoey

"Anything you want love. Deke, you fuck her pussy. I'm still claiming her ass. That leaves her mouth for you Ash."

I whimpered as Ash lifted me off his cock. The guys changed positions to where Deke was on his back in the middle of the bed. His dick was so hard and leaking precum. I couldn't resist and licked his tip, his flavor exploding on my tongue.

"Fuck, baby. Don't tease. As much as I love being in your mouth and feeding you my cum, I need in your pussy. I need to be balls deep inside you and feel you clench on my cock when you come."

I shivered and Jer held me steady as I crawled farther up Deke's body. My breasts hung over his face, and he licked over his mark. I gave a sharp cry and a gush of wetness dripped down all over his cock.

"Oh Goddess, you are so fucking wet. You are driving me crazy, my mate. Guide me inside you. I need to be inside you right now."

I positioned myself and took his cock and guided it to my opening and started to sink down. I was still tight, so I had to lift and sink down a few times until he was all the way inside me. He moaned and his hands gripped my hips tightly. 

"You feel so good baby. So tight and wet on my cock. Now I'm gonna fuck you and come inside you."

"Oh yes… please!"

I gasped as he lifted his hips and drove even deeper inside me. I started to writhe as he set a slow rhythm.

"I'm not sure what to do but I want more. I need all of you."

I felt Jer run his hand down my back and then I felt something wet slide down between my ass cheeks. It had to be lube and Jer rubbed it over my back hole before gently siding a finger inside me. I moaned and pushed back against his hand as Deke continued his slow even pace. Jer pulled out but then before I could say anything he added a second finger, then a third. He was trying to stretch me out so that I was better prepared to take his cock in my ass.

"Please, Jer. I need your cock inside me."

"Anything my love desires, she gets. Try to stay relaxed love. Just like with Ash this will burn at first since I'm definitely bigger than usual for a first time, but I promise the pain will be replaced with pleasure."

"I understand, Jer. Just fuck me already."

He gave a rumbling chuckle, and I felt the head of his cock against my back hole. Deke slid a hand between us and started to rub my clit. It felt so good that I completely relaxed, and I gasped as Jer slid all the way into my ass. I hissed at the burn, but it soon faded. Deke had paused as Jer entered me and now, I was desperate for them to move.

"Please… oh please. I need more. I need you to MOVE!"

I shoved back against them, taking them both deeper. They growled and started to thrust into me slowly. Yeah, that wasn't working for me. I growled at them this time. 

"Harder. I'm not gonna break but if you don't start fucking me proper, I'm gonna go insane."

Deke gave me a hungry look and gripped my hips tighter as he slammed up into me. I bucked back against Jer at the force of Deke's thrust. They set a punishing rhythm of one sliding in as the other slid out. Ash came and knelt next to my head, his cock in his hand.

"Open wide, sweetheart. Taste yourself on my cock. Suck me while they fuck you."

I opened my mouth and braced myself on one hand as I grabbed Ash's cock at the base. I pulled him forward and slid him deep into my mouth. I could taste myself and Ash, a mix of salty and sweet. I hummed and his hips bucked.

"Goddess, I love when you do that."

My orgasm was building and building, and I started to bob my head in earnest, pumping my hand on the part of his cock that wasn't in my mouth. I needed him to come when I did.

"Fuck… I'm close sweetheart."

He gripped my hair and held my head as he shoved his cock all the way in my mouth and down my throat. He came with a roar, and it pushed me over the edge. I screamed around Ash's cock and my pussy started milking Deke's cock, pushing him into his release as my ass tightened around Jer, making him come too. It felt like I was never going to stop coming as my men filled me with their seed in every way they could. 

I felt a burning pain in my mouth and I felt my incisors extend into fangs. I pulled away from Ash's cock and, reaching up, I grabbed his hair and yanked his head down. I buried my teeth in his neck, marking him as mine. He moaned and I felt him come on my chest as my mark took hold. I let go of his hair and leaned down to Deke and bit into his chest, just above his heart like he did me. He shuddered and came deep inside me again. Finally, I arched back and gripped Jer's hair, turned my head, and sank my fangs into his neck, marking him as mine. He groaned and his hands tightened on my hips as he pulled me back farther onto his cock and came.

I collapsed onto Deke's chest, trying to relearn how to breathe. They were all panting as hard as I was.

"That was amazing, baby. I've never felt anything like it. Your pussy is absolute perfection."

Jer chuckled.

"Her ass is pretty perfect too."

"So is her mouth. Let's face it gentlemen. We were blessed with the most perfect mate. One who wears our mark, and we wear hers."

I could feel the outpouring of love from them through the bond and I made sure to send it right back to them. They grinned as they could finally feel how much they meant to me. I sighed as Deke and Jer pulled out of me. Deke rolled and laid me down next to him on the bed.

"I love feeling you in our pack bond, baby."

"I already knew you were our mate, sweetheart but now that your wolf is free, I can feel it."

I looked at Ash curiously.

"Feel it?"

"Yeah. We were taught that when we met our mate, we would know instantly. It's like a gut punch of feeling that is just pure rightness. I don't know how to better explain it."

I grinned. 

"You don't need to explain it. I can feel it now too. I love having my wolf. She's amazing."

"And I think it's time to let her out, love. I know they are all more than ready to meet. But we want you to shift first, love. We want to see and meet your wolf as humans first."

"Sure. But… um… how do I shift? No one ever taught me."

"Easy, baby. Just let your wolf guide you. She knows what to do."

I nodded and focused inward.