Chapter 62: Asher

Zoey and Jer both laughed. Before Zoey disappeared into Jer's room she looked back over her shoulder.

"Don't worry guys. I'm a horny girl so there will be plenty of opportunity to fuck me solo and in a group."

With a final wink she went into the room and the door closed. I sighed and looked at Deke.

"I fucking love her, but damn she's gonna kill me. I'm already addicted to her and leaving to go to work tomorrow is gonna be hard as hell."

Deke nodded then tilted his head.

"You know, we don't technically have to be there tomorrow. There's nothing major going on that couldn't be handled by the staff. It would give us one more day with our claimed mate before we go back. The pack knows we are newly mated and will understand. And I say we take her with us in a few days. She wanted to try to tempt us at work."

I grinned.

"Fucking perfect idea. You are a damn genius. We can work on that bucket list. Let's go shower now that we have a plan. I'm so fucking hard, which is amazing with how much we've come today."

Deke laughed and headed to his room.

"See you downstairs, Ash."

I nodded and went into my room. I paused and looked at my bed. I could picture fucking my mate on it and it was not helping my hard on at all. I grabbed some clothes and headed to my shower. I turned the water on to hotter than normal and stepped in. I groaned as the heat loosened muscles that I didn't realize were tight and sore. Lazily I stroked my cock, remembering the feel of Zoey's pussy clamping down on me. She felt so amazing, and I couldn't get enough of her. I couldn't wait for my turn to fuck her in the shower. I could just picture her on her knees with my cock in her mouth as the hot water rained down on us.

My orgasm took me by surprise, and I moaned Zoey's name as I came. Spent for now, I cleaned the wall and myself. I toweled off and got dressed but then just sat on my bed for a moment. I basked in the knowledge that she was ours now. Fully ours, claimed and mated. And her wolf was so amazing.

'That she is human. Everything I could have hoped for and more. I'm thankful to have found all my family in this lifetime.'

'I'm happy for you too my friend. I get the feeling we have some exciting times ahead of us.'

'We always do with our mate by our sides. Her powers are formidable, and she will need every one of them soon. There are dark clouds on the horizon, but it will be worth it when we come out on the other side. Then it will be nothing but peace and love for the rest of this lifetime.'

'Dark clouds? That doesn't sound good. Now I'm concerned.'

'Yes, my human. Our bond will be tested and tried as others attempt to break it. But we are strong, as is our mate. They will fail and will come to regret even trying.'

'Fuck. Ok my friend. I know together we can protect our mate.'

He snorted.

'Our mate doesn't need our protection. She is fully capable of protecting herself now. No… she will need our love and support. Her human will doubt herself greatly and she will need all of us to keep her spirits up. Her sense of self was greatly damaged by her old pack. And her bond with her wolf is too new for her to fully trust all she says. She will end up doubting herself, and her decisions. But she trusts in all of us so it will be up to us to keep her going and keep reminding her of our love and how valued she is. This human is the only human that the three of us have ever been happy and willing to speak to directly as she is as special as her wolf. I refuse to lose either of them now that we have them.'

'Agreed. I vow we will keep our mate with us.'

I felt him rumble his agreement as he slipped into sleep. For once he was a fully sated wolf.

"Dude, did you drown in there? What's the holdup? We're waiting for you downstairs. Zoey refuses to eat without you. Get your ass down here. I need food."

I laughed and stood. I was smiling as I left my room and headed downstairs.

"Don't get your panties in a wad, Jer. I was talking with my wolf. I'm on my way."

"You know I go commando, fucker. And so do you. Deke is the only pansy here that wears underwear."

"Fuck you Jer. I'll show you pansy."

I felt Jer's laughter bounce through our bond.

"Oh, that's right. You're not a pansy. Just a marshmallow teddy bear."

"Jer, I swear I'm going to fucking hurt you. Just keep it up."

"Now now boys. No fighting. Everyone's underwear choice is their own preference. Ash and Jer like commando, Deke likes boxers, and I prefer thongs. So what?"

I was delighted to hear Zoey's voice join our bond conversation. I walked into the kitchen and grinned at her.

"You have no idea how amazing it is to hear you in my head, sweetheart. Your voice is like warm caramel, soft and sweet."

"Look who's getting all poetic now." I watched as she came to me and wrapped her arms around me. "I love you so much, Ash. More than I ever thought I could love someone. I love all three of you."

She reached up and nipped my bottom lip. 

"But now I'm fucking hungry. I want to eat and then fuck you each in Deke's playroom. It's up to you guys if you want to use the toys on me or if I use them on you."

She winked as my arms tightened around her and I growled in her ear.

"Oh, you have no idea what you are in for Zoey. There are so many ways we want to fuck you. And so many places we want to fuck you in. Get ready for a wild ride, sweetheart. Because it's not stopping for days."

Her lust filled our bond and we all moaned.

"Goddess, baby. You are so perfect. Let's eat and then get our fuck on."

Jer looked at Deke in shock.

"Get our fuck on? Did you just make a joke? You? Mr. I'm a big bad assassin and don't make jokes?"

Zoey pulled out of my arms and went to Jer and slapped him hard on his bare chest. I could tell it stung since she left her handprint in the middle of his chest. Her shifter strength had come in and it didn't look like she held back any. He stared at her wide-eyed.