Chapter 63: Asher

"Fuck that hurt. What did you do that for?"

"Stop teasing Deke before he really does beat your ass. If he does, then I have no sympathy for you cause you keep asking for it. And then you'll be to hurt to fuck me and I won't' let you sit and watch either."

Jer grumbled as he rubbed his chest. 

"Fine. I'll stop."

"Good boy."

I watched and barely contained a laugh as she patted Jer on his head. He looked stunned.

"Did you just pat me like a dog?"

"Yes. Yes, I did. Keep being a good boy and I will reward you by sucking your cock and fucking you until you pass out."

His look turned hungry. "Woof woof, love."

She giggled and it made me smile with how happy she was. Jer grinned at her before looking at Deke.

"Sorry Deke. I promise not to mention marshmallows or teddy bears again. At least for today."

Deke laughed. "I sincerely doubt that, but I can't wait to see you try."

"Hey, I have good incentive this time. Not getting my ass beat isn't good enough but going unconscious from coming hard is definitely the best incentive."

I cleared my throat to get Zoey's attention. I made my tone hopeful.

"Me and Deke have been good boys. Do we get to pass out in pleasure too?"

I saw Deke nodding quickly. I couldn't help but laugh as he came over and dropped to his knees in front of her, placing his hands on her thighs. His expression was pleading with puppy dog eyes, but he had a smile on his face.

"Please please please my mate. Make us pass out too."

Zoey laughed before bending and giving him a deep kiss.

"You've already passed out once. But sure. I had planned on pleasuring you and Ash too."

I rubbed my hands together in glee.

"Well then let's eat and get to it. I want to pleasure you, mate. Make you scream for us. I aim to see if we can make you squirt."

Zoey looked at me startled. "That's really a thing? I thought it was just something you read about in erotica books."

"Yep. It's a thing. And I'm gonna do my damnedest to make you do it, be it all over my cock or all over my face."

Zoey shivered at the promise in my voice and moved towards the table.

"Let's eat. We definitely need our strength for tomorrow then."

"Why tomorrow? Why not tonight?"

"Because as much as I want you all, I need sleep. I'm exhausted. So much has happened tonight and honestly, I'm a little overwhelmed. At least with my new shifter healing I'm not sore."

I walked over and took her in my arms.

"I understand, sweetheart. And waiting until tomorrow is fine. Deke and I already worked out how to handle work tomorrow so we can spend all day with our newly claimed mate."

"Oh Ash. Deke. You guys are a dream come true. All three of you are so much more than I could have ever asked the Goddess for."

I kissed her softly. "No, Zoey. You're the dream come true. We all had given up hope of ever finding our mates. We'd been to so many other packs searching for our mates but never finding them. Now we know it was because the Goddess had someone special for us to share. 

And then here you come walking into our town, changing our lives, binding us all together even more. You are the best thing to ever happen to us and we would die to protect you. There isn't anything we wouldn't do to make you happy."

She gently cupped my face and rested her forehead against mine.

"I know, Ash. And I know exactly what a miracle it is to have found each other."

Suddenly her stomach growled, and the tender moment was broken. She blushed and hid her face against my neck. She squealed as I picked her up and set her on her chair.

"Eat up, sweetheart. We promised to satisfy you and that meant in all areas."

We all sat and started to eat. I could barely pay attention to my food with how happy I was that we were all together and how our family was coming along. Now all we needed were several pups and everything would be perfect.

I noticed how Zoey's head was starting to drop as the exhaustion hit her. Gently I scooped her up and glanced at my friends.

"So, who is she sleeping with tonight? I doubt any of us want her to sleep alone tonight."

"You take her, Ash. Deke had her last night and I had shower sex so it's only fair you sleep with her tonight. But I claim the next night we do sleeping one on one. I have a feeling tomorrow night it's gonna be all four of us together in that massive bed Deke has in the playroom."

"I think that's a fair assumption. And I don't have any issues with you having her tonight, Ash. Goddess knows we all need some sleep. Tomorrow promises to be a busy day. But don't forget to set her alarm for breakfast. She about took my head off this morning when I turned her alarm off so she could sleep in for a change."

I laughed. "Thanks for the heads up. Night guys."

"Night Ash."

"See ya in the morning."

I looked down at my mate sleeping in my arms and gently carried her up the stairs to my room. I laid her on the bed, and she didn't even stir as I took her clothes off. My poor sweetheart had been through a lot today. Losing her virginity now in every way, being claimed, shifting for the first time, and all the heightened emotions that go with it all. I quickly stripped and made sure her alarm was set before sliding in behind her on the bed. I pulled her close and she snuggled her back a little closer and sighed in contentment. I quickly drifted off to sleep with a smile on my face and my mate finally sleeping in my arms.