Chapter 72: Deacon

(Trigger Warning: Extreme sexual and physical violence)

Dressed, I headed downstairs and found Ash and Jer already in the living room holding full tumblers of whiskey and one waiting for me. I settled into the chair across from them as I knew Tarvos would want to be looking at them. Jer went to hand me the glass, but I shook my head.

"Thanks, but mine will have to wait. Tarvos needs to speak and needs to be clear headed. I'll want it after though so don't drink it for me."

Jer nodded and set the glass back down on the coffee table. Ash and Jer both took a large swallow of whiskey, and I could see them bracing themselves for what they were going to hear. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before looking at them. 

"Look guys, I want to say this before I let Tarvos talk. I know this is gonna hurt us to hear what happened to our mate. But whatever we hear, we will face it together and we will help our mate heal from this."

"Fuckin' A we will."

I nodded at Jer and let Tarvos come forward. 

'I will make this as painless for you as possible Deacon.'

'I appreciate that. Go ahead and tell us.'

"Please remember that this is a memory. We can not go back and change her past, but we can help her from here on out."

He waited until the guys nodded.

"I believe the reason Zoey hasn't told you of this memory isn't because she didn't trust you, but that she has blocked it and didn't remember it herself. But in her dreams, it came forward and she had to relive it. Brace yourselves humans."

Tarvos paused while Ash and Jer took another large swallow of whiskey.

"Zoey was fifteen years old when this occurred. Before the truck incident. Zoey had been on her way home from school when she was grabbed by the Alpha's son and his friends. Her foster sister Jessica was there as well. From her memory there were five people there in total. They grabbed her and forced her into the woods. Once they were deep in the woods, they forced her to kneel and held her down. Then the Alpha's son and her foster sister went behind a large tree and carried two humans over and threw them on the ground in front of Zoey. They were bound and gagged. It seemed the humans had picked the wrong woods to go camping in and Brad and Jessica had found them.

They were terrified and the group laughed as Brad ran his hands over the woman. They had been stripped naked and Brad took great pleasure in fondling the woman. Jessica began to fondle the man and giggled as even in his terror his body responded and got hard from her stroking his cock. Zoey watched as shame filled his face because of how his body betrayed him. She saw Jessica give the woman an evil grin and started to suck the man's cock in front of her. The woman cried as her man climaxed and looked at her with agony in his eyes. But when Brad started to unzip his pants, the man struggled and seemed in a rage as he knew what was about to happen. Zoey tried to close her eyes, but they forced her to watch as Brad raped the woman, causing her to bleed. He came in the woman and laughed at her tears and the man's curses and pleading to let them go. Brad stared the man in face as he flipped the woman, jerked her hips up and shoved his cock into the woman's ass. The woman's screams filled the woods in spite of her gag as Brad fucked her until all she could do was whimper as her mind broke. The man closed his eyes and cried. 

Zoey was horrified by all this but was in deep shock as Brad gave the woman to the other men to fuck and then turned to the man bound in front of him. The man struggled as Brad forced him onto his knees and bent him over. Brad reached around the man's hips and started to tug on the man's cock. Once he was hard again, Brad let go and then forced his cock into the man's ass. His screams were high pitched and Brad reached around the man's hips to stroke the man's cock while he fucked his ass. The man was crying and screaming but because of the areas of the body that were being stroked by Brad's cock, the man was still hard. Brad began to really fuck the man hard and laughed as the man came as his mind broke. Brad came and then threw the man down. By then the woman had been passed to each man and they all had raped her. Jessica worked the man's cock hard again and rode him until she came. Then each man fucked his ass as Zoey cried for them.

Zoey was terrified that they were planning on raping her too but what happened was even worse. Hours had passed and once the whole group had their fill of fucking the couple many times, Brad slit their throats. Zoey was happy they weren't being tortured any more. But she watched in horror as Brad started to cut meat away from their bodies, like he was butchering them. She started again to fight to get away when Brad brought the pieces of the couple over and Jessica forced her mouth open. She gagged as Brad shoved the meat into her mouth and by covering her nose, they forced her to swallow. She threw up the first pieces they forced into her but each time she threw up they forced her to eat more. When the bodies were pretty much stripped of meat and the ground was saturated in blood, Brad grabbed Zoey by the hair and drug her over to the bodies. He forced Zoey's face into the woman's bloody crotch and Zoey struggled as he rubbed her face all over the woman's crotch, covering Zoey's face in blood and all the men's semen that was still leaking from her corpse. They left laughing, leaving Zoey in a whimpering ball next to the bodies, lying in their blood.

Finally, Zoey calmed down enough to sit up and slowly she started to dig a grave for the bodies. It took her hours, and her nails were broken and embedded with dirt by the time she got the hole deep enough. Gently she rolled what was left of each body into the grave and buried them. Zoey cried and begged them for forgiveness as she hadn't been able to do anything to save them. Eventually she left the area and went to a stream that was close by and washed the blood and cum from her face. Her stomach rebelled and she threw up the meat they had last forced on her. Shaking and in shock she made her way home where she was yelled at for being late and wet. She went through her nightly routine in a daze and when she woke the next morning her mind had buried the experience as protection. I believe if she had to keep actively remembering what happened, her mind would have broken as well. 

I am unsure what made this memory surface again. I have a theory that now that she isn't alone and has our support and that of Arian, her mind knew this memory needed purged for her to truly heal from all the abuse she suffered. As her mates, it is up to us to help her through this."

My stomach was roiling as Tarvos finished the story. My poor mate. To have that happen to her. I had seen so many bad things that people could do to one another but fuck, I had NEVER heard of anything like this. It was depraved and sick. Tarvos faded back, working to deal with the horror himself.

I heard Ash gagging and watched as Jer downed the rest of his whiskey, poured another, and downed that one. He scrubbed his hands over his face, and I swallowed hard against the bile rising in my throat. I moved and knelt next to Arian, and she whined as I wrapped my arms around her and hid my face in her soft fur. 

"Oh, my sweet mate. I am so so sorry you had to go through that." Jer's voice was choked with tears and barely understandable.

I lifted my head as rage filled our bond. Ash's face was contorted in hatred. "What the ever-loving fuck is wrong with that goddamned pack!? To have members act like that! To have the Alpha's own son act like that! The Alpha must know what is going on there and refuses to take action."

I growled low in my throat and Arian leaned her head against my chest to feel and be soothed by the rumble. 

"They will die. Every one of them. I want retribution for our mate and those poor humans. I want blood and I will not be satisfied until they are all dead at my feet. I will make them hurt then rip their damn hearts out. I will bring their heads as a gift to our mate."

My voice was devoid of emotion as I seethed inside. Rage, hatred, and disgust roiled and swirled through me as I planned out their deaths. I was startled when I felt hands cup my face and I looked down to see that Arian had shifted back and Zoey was laying in my arms. Tears were streaming down her beautiful face and those ice blue eyes were filled with pain. 

I pulled her closer and her arms wrapped around me as she cried. Her body was trembling, and I tried to soothe her the best I could. She looked up at me and her voice broke.

"Does this stop you from loving me? I… I ate those people! I'm a monster!"