Chapter 73: Deacon

She started to sob uncontrollably. I knew she was traumatized by what they had done and what she had to remember. I held her tight. Ash and Jer came to sit by us and together we held her, giving her all the time that she needed. Her sobs quieted and started to taper off when I lifted her face with a gentle finger under her chin. Her eyes focused on mine, searching, and I felt her fear for what she would find.

"I love you, Zoey. We all love you. You are our mate, our woman, our perfect match. Nothing you could do would make us stop loving you. Even if you were to one day reject us, we would still love you from afar. But I want you to remember something, baby."

"What?" Her voice was a whisper.

"You are not alone anymore. And it wasn't your fault. They were the ones that hurt and broke those humans. They are the ones that tried to break you. But they didn't succeed. You're so strong."

"But I blocked it all out. I forced myself to forget, to bury it. I'm not strong. I should have done more."

"Baby, listen to me. I know a lot about this, ok? You are not weak for blocking it. It was your mind's way of coping. That doesn't make you weak, it makes you a survivor. You didn't let them win and you kept living your life. Ok? I have things I don't think about too. Things I've seen, things I've done. Everyone does. But it's how we go from there that counts. You are still such a loving and caring person. You didn't let them change that. You are stronger than them. I'm sure Arian would say the same."

Zoey nodded. "She does. She also said you were pretty smart for a human. She's happy to know you're more than just a pretty face." 

She gave me a small smile and I laughed. My heart eased as she seemed to be finding herself again. She leaned over and gave Ash and Jer sweet, soft kisses. When she turned to me, she paused and stared into my eyes.

"You look like a fucking linebacker and are built like a brick shithouse and the scariest person I know. But you're also the sweetest and most tenderhearted person I know."

I blinked at her, unsure of what to say. No one had ever accused me of being sweet and tenderhearted before. Ash nodded at me.

"She's right. You're a badass, but you have a huge ability to care for someone once they get past your walls."

"Well, damn. I never realized that."

"You have so many sides to you Deke. You are the tough enforcer, the cold badass assassin. But it's your mix of tender and dominate that drives a woman crazy. To have someone that can cuddle me and make me feel so safe, and then turn around and spank my ass and make me desperate to be fucked by you."

I swallowed hard as she leaned forward and kissed me. I took the kiss deeper as her mouth opened for me. When we broke apart, I kissed my way down her neck.

"You taste so delicious and sweet, baby. It's intoxicating and I'm addicted. Your kisses, the taste of your skin. I can't wait to taste your sweet pussy."

 I kissed my way back up her neck, across her jaw, and claimed her lips again. I hissed as she bit my lip hard as she pulled back. My cock was rock hard now and I wanted nothing more than to be buried inside my mate.

"I don't think I will be sleeping anymore right now. I want to replace all that horror with pleasure. Can I play with you, Deke? I want you to help me forget."

"You can play with me anytime, baby. Where do you want to go?"

"The playroom. I want to tie you to that bed and have my way with you."

Fuck! She was so damn perfect. I shivered as she trailed her lips across my jaw and bit my ear. 

"I'm gonna fuck you so good, Deacon. I'm gonna make you writhe for me. Make you beg. Make you wild."

I moaned as she whispered in my ear.

"You already make me wild, baby. All I can ever think about is pleasuring you. Touching you, tasting you, being buried balls deep inside you, making you scream as I make you come, coming inside you. I want you to have my pups, Zoey. We all do. We want to expand our family when you are ready for it."

Her breath hitched and her eyes were shining. She was so stunning that I stopped breathing.

"Fucking hell, love. You look so damn beautiful."

"Thank you."

"I'm happy to see you accept the compliment, sweetheart. And I can feel you are starting to believe us."

She laughed and it was the sweetest sound. "Kinda hard not to when you keep telling me several times a day, every day. And it helps that I know none of you would say it if you didn't mean it. You make me feel beautiful. Sexy and desirable."

"You are all that and more, baby."

She gave me a coy look. "Are you ready to play, Deke?"

I shivered. "Oh yeah, baby. I'm always ready to play." 

"You guys are gonna come watch, right?" She looked over at Ash and Jer.

"We wouldn't miss it for the world, love."

"That was already the plan, sweetheart."

They were giving her some pretty intense looks and she giggled as we all stood and made our way upstairs to my room. I unlocked the door and was about to pull it open when she stopped me.

"Wait Deke. I'm in charge tonight, right?"

I nodded and swallowed hard as she licked her lips.

"Good. Let's see how well you follow directions. I want you to go in, strip down, and lay face down on the bed. Then I'm going to come in and if you were a good boy and followed directions, I'll make you feel so good."

Holy fucking hell. I shivered and went into the room. This was so fucking hot. I had never relinquished control to anyone else before and I honestly was excited for it. I knew she wouldn't hurt me more than I wanted. Quickly I stripped off my T-shirt and sweats and walked over to the bed. I crawled to the middle and laid down on my chest. My cock was already hard as fuck and leaking precum. I waited and the anticipation only made my need that much sweeter.