I Will Always Love And Cherish Him.

As the car stopped in front of Fu Mansion, Yang Meiyi just stared in daze, it was exactly how the author describe it. The mansion was huge and beautiful. Two bodyguards stood at the front of the house to check the guest invitation before allowing them in.

Yang Jiu arranged his suit and held Sang Xiu hand, while Meiyi and Yang Jia just walked beside them.

Everything was just like the book, the Fu family had their own personal bodyguard and they are the Xia clan. For years the Xia family has sworn loyalty to the Fu family. Every male in the Xia family, belonged to to the Fu family and if they bring an outsider to act as a bodyguard then that outsider last name must also be change to Xia.

Yang Meiyi watched as her father gave the bodyguard his invitation with a proud smile. Well to be honest, she didn't blame him, this was the first time he was ever invited to old master Fu birthday.

The bodyguard gave him back the invitation and allowed them to enter. To Meiyi, the inside of the mansion was even better than the outside. Throughout both of her lives, this was the first time for her to attend such a gathering filled with rich people and the best part is that Fu Mingze was going to be here.

Old Master Fu sat in a throne like chair as people came to greet and present their gift.

Meiyi looked at Yang Jia and as always there was no smile in her face but her gaze was focused on someone, Meiyi directed her gaze to the person whom Yang Jia eyes were focused on and it was a young boy who should be around the age of seventeen or eighteen and with his dark blonde hair, Meiyi could guess that this was Gu Zhen.

The Gu family was a family whom also came from old money but if there was one thing the people of country M knew, is that the Gu and the Fu don't meet eye to eye, so she wondered why the old man would invite them to his birthday party.

When it was their family turn to present gift, Meiyi could hear the snickers and whispers around, she didn't need to hear their words for her to know that they were already talking of what cheap gift Yang Jiu has bought to the old man of the Fu clan.

Yang Jia gave her father the gift she had been holding for him and Yang Jiu collected it and said to old master Fu "Happy birthday Mr Fu. I heard one of your hobby, was the collection of painting and this is why I have bought with me a painting drawn during the war times by Emperor Tao Zheng. I hope you like it."

Old Master Fu looked at the painting and was about to comment when a loud yawn was heard. Old Master Fu looked at the little girl beside Sang Xiu and asked "Sang Xiu, your daughter has grown so much, I almost did not recognize her."

Sang Xiu smiled and held Meiyi as she said "That's because the last time old master Fu saw my Meiyi, she was just three years old."

Meiyi on the other hand felt as if she wanted to hide, she could feel her father glaring eyes on her and the way everyone was looking at her as if she was mannerless and it's not like she planned to yawn, it just came out.

"Little girl, how old are you now?"

Yang Meiyi ignored everyone stares and said "Ten."

"Yang Meiyi, do you find my party boring?"


"Meiyi!" Yang Jiu called out with warning.

"What did you expect from a child who came from a family like the Yang." Someone said loudly.

"You should train your child properly before presenting her to Old Master Fu." The butler standing beside Fu Shen said.

Fu Shen suddenly laughed out and said "I also find it boring but what to do, my grandson and the grumpy man beside me says I should hold this party, but I can't wait to go back to my room and drink some beer all by myself."

"And I have told you that you are not young anymore and you could die from drinking." A cold voice replied.

Everyone looked at where the voice came from and they saw a young boy climbing down the stairs majestically. His elegance, walking posture, infact everything thing about him screamed rich.

Meiyi felt as her heart rate increased and she just knew that this was her Fu Mingze. Damn! He was even more handsome than the book had described, his dark hair was neatly arranged and one striking feature of Fu Mingze was his eyes, it was said he had the same eyes as his mother, eyes that reminded one of the ocean.

But she wondered why those blue eyes were looking coldly at her, did she do something wrong?

Yang Meiyi just watched as Fu Mingze walked towards her and bent down to her level, she thought he was going to scold her but what she didn't expect was that he flicked her forehead gently and asked "Weren't you taught not to speak rudely to an elder?"

Yang Meiyi rubbed her forehead in pouted lips and said "But I didn't say anything rude."

"Telling the celebrant that his birthday party is boring is rude." Fu Mingze said.

"Young Master Fu, I am so sorry for my daughter...." Before Yang Jiu could complete his apology, Fu Mingze held out his hand to stop him and said "She is the one who made the mistake so therefore she should be the one to apologise."

Yang Meiyi looked at Fu Mingze and said "Just because you are handsome and rich doesn't mean you can bully me"

Fu Mingze heard a chuckled behind him and turn to glared at his grandfather, he looked at Sang Xiu and asked "Aunt Sang Xiu, has Yang Meiyi always been this loud mouthed?" The last time he saw this little girl was when she was three, at that time she came with her grandfather to visit his, the three years old girl of that time was shy and quiet. Just when did she grow up to become so disrespectful.

Sang Xiu held Meiyi hand and with a smile said "The thing is Meiyi is not feeling well so please forgive her manners."

Yang Meiyi looked at Fu Mingze and said "I can bet that grandpa would prefer my gift over everyone here."

Fu Mingze frowned and asked "Grandpa? When did my grandfather became yours? And how would you even know what he likes?"

"It's a surprise, why should I tell you?"

Yang Jia looked at her father who was looking at Meiyi angrily and then at Meiyi, she wondered what the daughter of this homewrecker was doing? Could it be their plan to forever tanish the Yang name.

Yang Meiyi let out a proud smile and open her mini purse hang around her neck. She bought out a little rectangular box wrapped properly and walked to old master Fu and gave it to him with a smile as she said "Happy birthday grandpa, this is both a gift and a bribe."

Old Master Fu who has been enjoying the show smiled at Meiyi and collected the gift, not only him but everyone wondered what was inside the box, he unwrapped the presence and in front of everyone open the box and saw five Chocolates designed in a rectangle shape.

Fu Mingze frowned while the rest of the people burst into laughter.

How could that girl think a chocolate is worth more than their millions and billions worth of gift.

Yang Jiu felt so embarrassed, who would have thought that his daughter would shamed him like this in public, he wanted to reprimand her when Sang Xiu held his hand and shook her head.

Old Master Fu looked at the chocolate and took one, he was about to put it inside his mouth, when Fu Mingze called out to him sternly "Grandpa."

Fu Shen ignored his grandson and ate the chocolate, he closed his eyes as he felt the chocolate melt in his mouth and when he opened his eyes, he looked at Meiyi with a smile and ask "How do you know that this is my favorite chocolate?"

"Why wouldn't I know what my grandpa likes?"

Fu Shen laughed and said "You said this was a gift and bribe, a bribe for what?"

"A bribe to accept me as your granddaughter."

Fu Mingze scoffed and looked at Yang Jiu and asked "As if not leeching on the Sang Family was enough, do you still wish to use your ten years old daughter to leech on the Fu."

"Stop being rude to my dad!" Yang Meiyi shouted at Fu Mingze, she looked back at Fu Shen and said "It's not true what he says."

Fu Shen smiled and asked "Then tell me, why then do you wish for me to accept you as my granddaughter?"

Yang Meiyi cheek became red as she looked directly at Old Master Fu eyes and said "Because I want to get closer to Fu Mingze and one day marry him."

"So your real purpose is to one day become my granddaughter-in-law?"

Fu Mingze rubbed his forehead in distress, he could not believe that his grandfather was taking the words of a ten years old child seriously.

Yang Meiyi nodded.

Fu Shen laughed loudly and asked "But my grandson is handsome and rich, so there are a lot of girls after him, what makes you special?"

"I am very pretty so he won't be losing out but apart from that, I will never break his heart and I will always love and cherish him."

"And if he falls in love with another woman before you come of age?" Fu Shen asked with a smile but Fu Mingze saw the seriousness in his eyes, was his grandfather really taking her seriously?

Yang Meiyi glanced at Fu Mingze and said "If he indeed falls in love with someone else then it won't matter, as long as he is happy, but I just want him to know that there will always be someone who will keep loving him regardless."

Old Master Fu smiled and said "I accept your bribery."

"Grandpa!" Did his grandfather just sold him for a box of chocolates.

Fu Shen ignored his grandson and said "In front of everyone, I Fu Shen accept you Meiyi as my granddaughter, besides I have always wanted a granddaughter, this kid is just too stubborn for me. The Fu Mansion is open to you, you can always visit whenever you wish.

"Really!!" Yang Meiyi asked in excitement.

"Of course, I never go back on my words.

Fu Mingze ignored them and went back upstairs, while Yang Jia looked at Meiyi before focusing her gaze on Fu Mingze who was already climbing the stairs.