Are You A Jerk?

Three Years Later.

"Grandpa! Meiyi has come to visit you." Yang Meiyi shouted still dressed in her school uniform. Every maid and butlers who passed by always bowed slightly before walking away. It's been three years and not only is she still the adopted granddaughter of Fu Shen but everyone in Fu Mansion has already gotten used to her presence.

Yang Meiyi knocked on the old man study and before she heard a reply she opened the door and said "I knew you would be here instead of taking care of yourself."

Old Master Fu smiled when he saw the thirteen years old girl giving him a fierce look but Bulter Xia frowned and said "Don't you know that it's proper manners to wait for the 'Come in' before barging in."

"Grumpy as usual butler Xia." Meiyi replied with a smile, she walked towards Fu Shen and asked "Is it true Mingze is back?"

Old Master Fu laughed softly and said "And here I thought you came just for me. Fu Mingze is in his room but I think he is in a bad mood."

"But he is always in a bad mood." Yang Meiyi said.

Old Master Fu shrugged and said "True."

Yang Meiyi kissed his cheek and said "It's high time you realize that you are old and your body isn't like it's used to, you better stop working or I will call doctor Fei myself. Ok?"

Fu Shen smiled and said "Ok. Now go meet the person you truly came here to meet."

Yang Meiyi blushed slightly and left the study.

After Yang Meiyi left, Butler Xia looked at the old man and asked "Why her?"

"Because she is Sang Xiu daughter and besides isn't she cute?"

"She is too young for him."

"They are only eight years apart it's no big deal. Xia He, you know how much I love Fu Mingze, he is my only grandchild and he has always been alone. When I go, I do not wish that he will still be alone."


Yang Meiyi stood in front of Fu Mingze room and arranged her school uniform properly before knocking.

"Come in."

Immediately she heard the permission to enter, she came in and saw Fu Mingze lying on the bed with his eyes closed, he must have been tired. She walked towards him gently and asked "It's get more stressful in the university right, I'm sure you can't wait to graduate."

Without opening his eyes Fu Mingze said "Not everyone hate school like you do and besides, I'm in my finals while you haven't even entered."

Yang Meiyi sat on the bed and said "And I don't really wish to enter."

In the past three years, Fu Mingze had gotten used to Yang Meiyi, ever since his grandfather adopted her, there has never been a weekend when she didn't visit. He has also noticed the way his grandfather is always cheerful around her and although he will never admit it but having this little girl hover around made him to realize what it feels like to maybe have a little sister.

Fu Mingze opened his eyes and sat upright and flicked Meiyi head gently as he said "Do you really think that you will still be my grandfather adopted granddaughter if you don't have a university degree."

"Ouch! But why do I need one?"

Fu Mingze was about to reply when he felt slight pain in his chest. He frowned as he placed his hand on his chest and said "Just go away, I need to rest."

Yang Meiyi stood up from the bed but rather than leaving she opened his drawer and found his medicine there but what amazed her was that it was untouched.

"Are these your medicines?"

Fu Mingze who felt the pain going away, looked at Yang Meiyi and saw her holding his medicine with teary eyes. He sighed and asked "What's with that look?"

"Why don't you take your medicines?" Yang Meiyi asked with teary eyes.

Fu Mingze collected the medicine from her hand and said "Mind your business and how many times have I told you not come into my room."

Yang Meiyi looked at him for a brief moment and cleaned the tears that were able to escape her eyes and said "Seeing you in pain also give me pain. If the medicine reduces your pain then can you please take it."

Was she really crying? Yang Meiyi is truly the strangest person he has met, sometimes she behaves like a child while other times she behaves like an adult, before he once thought her presence in his life was a plan by the Yang family but it did not make sense, if the Yang family wanted to trap him, it would have been with Yang Jia and not with a child.

Fu Mingze found himself cleaning the tears from her eyes and asked "Do you cry this easily?"

"I just don't want you feeling pain, I really wish I could take it all away."

Fu Mingze found himself smiling and said "For it to totally be taken away then I would need a new heart."

Yang Meiyi looked at Fu Mingze and asked "Is getting a new heart difficult?"

"Not really, you may not understand but I have too much at risk to lie in bed for months. I may be Fu Shen only grandson but my footing in the Fu family isn't that strong. Only when it becomes strong can I think of taking a heart transplant."

"What use is your footing if you lose your life?" Yang Meiyi scoffed.

Fu Mingze looked at the girl pouted lips and chuckled and decided to tease her "Do you still want to get married to such a sick and weak man?"

"My heart only belongs to you. Is that enough answer to your question."

Fu Mingze shook his head and laughed softly "You are only thirteen, you shouldn't say such words. When you grow up, you will meet a nice guy and hopefully a healthy one. You are a nice girl Meiyi, do not allow Yang Jiu to use you for his greed and don't ever date a jerk."

"Are you a jerk?"

"Yes." Fu Mingze said without hesitation.

Yang Meiyi sighed and said "I guess I will be dating a jerk then."

Fu Mingze was about to reply her when he saw her run out of his room, he thought she was gone but she entered his room again two minutes later but this time with a glass of juice, she handed the juice to him and said "Since the medicine is bitter then you can take it with this orange juice, but when I grow up, you will no longer need this again."

"Why?" Fu Mingze asked in curiosity.

"Because by then I will be able to take away the bitterness with a kiss."


"Although I haven't kissed anyone yet but I have heard of how sweet it is, so I'm sure my kisses will be able to take away it's bitterness."

Fu Mingze flicked her head gently and said "Stop talking such nonesense." He collected the orange juice from her hand and watched as she collected his pills and gave him one, he smiled and in her presence swallow the pill and drank the juice.

After drinking the juice he saw Yang Meiyi yawning and said "Do you want to get some rest before leaving."

Yang Meiyi nodded "But I don't want to leave you alone. Grandpa said you are only here for the weekend and even mom have told me that after your graduation, you will be going abroad for further studies and to learn more about the Fu group. It means that after this weekend, I won't see you for a long time."

She was cute, he would give her that. Even him had realized that he finds himself smiling with her around, "Three years isn't a long time."

"For me it is. When I don't see you for a day, I barely sleep, imagine how it would be like not seeing you for three years."

Fu Mingze looked at his big bed and asked "Do you want to lay beside me?"

"Can i? Wait, does this mean that you are also developing feelings for me too."

Fu Mingze laughed and said "I would be a perverted man if I was developing feelings for a thirteen years old. You barely even know the difference between right and wrong."

"Of course I do."

Yang Meiyi dropped her school bag and immediately jumped on the bed, she was so excited because it was the first time Fu Mingze has offered for her to sleep beside him, this must mean that he was having a soft spot for her.

Fu Mingze smiled when he saw the way Yang Meiyi hurriedly jumped into his bed and laid beside her but still kept a distance and said "Go to sleep now, I'm sure your mom will soon send someone to get you."

As Yang Meiyi fell asleep she knew that a day would come where there would be no space between them as they both lay on the same bed.