You Still Love Him?

At the end, Meiyi decided to hold a small birthday party, especially because her dad promised to be with her throughout the celebration and he kept his promise. Everyone who came, gave her expensive gifts. She wondered if they will still gift her such if they find out that her father company was about to go bankrupt.

After the party ended, Yang Meiyi went to her room and smiled when she saw a big box that was carefully wrapped on her bed. The door to her room opened and Sang Xiu came in and seeing where her daughter was looking she said "It's from Old master Fu. Open it, even I will like to know what he bought you this time."

Yang Meiyi rolled her eyes and said "Hopefully, it isn't a present you will have to send back."

"Oh come on, who gives a sixteen years old a yatch?"

Yang Meiyi chuckled and unwrapped the box, she opened it and bought out a beautiful green gown "It's beautiful."

"There is a card, check what it says." Sang Xiu said in excitement.

Yang Meiyi smiled and picked the card that was inside the box, she opened it and read aloud "Wear this to my company anniversary tomorrow, I have another surprise there for you."

The smile in Sang Xiu face immediately went away after Meiyi finished reading the note. She knew the old man surprised was going to be Fu Mingze.

Yang Meiyi on the other hand looked at her mother in excitement and asked "What do you think his surprised is going to be?"

Sang Xiu put on a fake smile and shrugged "I guess we will have to go in order to find out."

"Mom, are you with my phone, I want to take a picture of it."

Sang Xiu shook her head and said "No, it isn't with me. Perhaps you left it downstairs. I will ask one of the maids to bring it to you."

Yang Meiyi nodded and put the dress back in the box before carrying it to her wardrobe.

"Did you enjoy your day?" Sang Xiu asked.

"Yes." Yang Meiyi replied and closed her wardrobe. She looked at her mother and said "All my friends were able to attend and also this time dad stayed but as always Yang Jia didn't wish me a happy birthday."

"Who cares about that? Yang Jia hates us, but that doesn't matter."

"But just out of curiosity, what really happened to Yang Jia mother, did she really die because of you?"

"Of course not. No matter what Yang Jia believe, I was never with Yang Jiu while he was married."

Yang Meiyi nodded, she didn't know why but she believed her mother.

"Yang Meiyi, I know you just turned seventeen but you are still too young, why don't we discuss this later?"

She have known Sang Xiu for seven years to say in confidence then Sang Xiu is too proud to become anyone's mistress so she was sure that Yang Jia just had a misunderstanding of the whole situation. Perhaps there's still a chance for Yang Jia to accept Sang Xiu.

Yang Meiyi nodded and said "Goodnight."

Sang Xiu kissed her daughter forehead and replied "Goodnight, I will send someone to give you your phone."

After Sang Xiu left, few minutes later, Yang Meiyi heard a knock on the door and said "Come in."

A maid came in with her phone and said "Madam Yang asked me to give this to you."

Meiyi collected her phone and said "Thank you." She immediately went to her messages and as usual it was empty, there was no new message from him.

"Did he forget about my birthday again, Fine! I won't remember yours either." She switched off her phone in anger and went to sleep.


The event was held at the Meg hotel, it was also called the biggest hotel in country M owned by the Bai family.

A lot of people were invited such as the press and families who owned multi millionaire company. Small companies were not invited or even those at the verge of bankruptcy, infact, it was an event for the rich to get richer.

Yang Meiyi felt excited, it was the first time old master Fu have allowed her to attend his company anniversary but as soon as she entered the event all her excitement died.

She looked at her mom besides her and asked "You never told me that it's an event for old people."

"Well these old people control the finances of this country, now smile and behave." Sang Xiu said.

Meiyi rolled her eyes and said "Why did grandpa invite me here if he knew it was going to be a boring event?"

Just then old master Fu stood in the podium and held up his glass, he took a small spoon to hit the glass gently and loudly and after gaining everyone attention he said "Thank you all for honoring me with your presence but I must say that this will also be the last time you will see me in such event, you see I'm getting old and it's time for me to retire. However, I assure you that Fu group will not be left without a capable leader and that is why I will like to formally introduce to you the new CEO of Fu group, my beloved grandson Fu Mingze."

Fu Mingze? Did grandpa just say Fu Mingze? Yang Meiyi was still questioning herself on if she heard correctly when she saw him, it has been four years since they last met but he looked totally different.

Apart from the fact that he looked more matured there was something else that was different about him, his eyes looked colder, just what happened to him during the four years they were apart.

"You still love him?"

Meiyi gasped when she heard a deep and husky voice behind her and turned to look at the owner of the voice. Apart from the birthday party of Fu Shen at age ten and in news tabloid, she has never actually met him in person again, but seeing him so close made her to understand why Yang Jia was so in love with him. He was really handsome and his dark blonde hair did him no justice, no wonder he was the male lead.

"With the way you are staring at me, I would think you have feelings for me instead." Gu Zhen said with a teasing smile.
