Naive, Stubborn And Foolish.

Yang Meiyi suddenly scoffed and asked "Are you teasing me Mr Gu. Everyone here knows that you and my sister are in a relationship."

"Half sister. Yang Jia hates it when you refer to her as your sister." Gu Zhen said coldly.

Yang Meiyi actually felt chills when Gu Zhen replied coldly to her, it was just like in the novel, Gu Zhen was a man who was ready to go far and beyond for Yang Jia, he loved her but at the same time his love for her was always crossing the line to obsession, if Yang Jia had chosen Fu Mingze, unlike Fu Mingze who had let her go, Gu Zhen would never have done that. He was a possessive and cunning man who moved from being called the illegimate son of the Gu family to the head of the Gu family.

It was best not to anger him but instead stay far away from this man, after all he is Yang Jia headache not hers. With that in mind, Meiyi smiled sweetly and said "You are right, she hates it when I call her sister. But, it still doesn't stop the fact that I wished she would one day see me as her sister."

Gu Zhen narrow his eyes at her and was surprised when he saw the sincerity in her eyes, he looked at Fu Mingze who was standing beside his grandfather making his speech and said "Let me give you a little advice, the Fu family isn't as you think they are, their root are deeper than you think and I have once heard that there is a specific kind of training every heir to the Fu family undergoes before officially becoming the next successor, I do not know what the training entails but it changes them, it destroys something in them and for old master Fu to officially announced Fu Mingze as his successor, it means he passed and he is definitely not the same person, something in him has definitely died."

"It doesn't matter, I will still love him." Yang Meiyi said with no hesitation.

Gu Zhen smiled and said "You are exactly as Yang Jia describe you to be. Naive, stubborn and foolish, old master Fu might have adopted you as his granddaughter but becoming his grandaughter in law is going to be an entirely different story, good luck because you will need it."

Yang Meiyi sighed in relief after Gu Zhen moved away from her and looked at Fu Mingze who was now talking to a group of old men, while the men kept giving him a flattery smile, he remains cold and expressionless, if Gu Zhen was right then just how much did the training destroyed in him.

"Meiyi, come I will like to introduce you to someone." Sang Xiu said to her daughter who kept looking at Fu Mingze, the last thing she wanted was for her daughter to humiliate herself.

Yang Meiyi attention on Fu Mingze, shifted when her mother dragged her hand and directed her to a middle age woman who had a son who looked like he wanted to be anywhere but here.

"This is my daughter Meiyi." Sang Xiu introduced.

The woman smiled and said "She is beautiful."

"Thank you. Meiyi, this is madam Zhang, an old friend of mine" Sang Xiu replied with a smile.

Meiyi smiled and said "Hello, Madam Zhang, it's nice to meet you."

Madam Zhang looked at her son and hit him in the stomach and said "Zhang Chun, Won't you say hi?"

"If she is one of the bride to be you have picked for me then I will pass." The boy replied.

Yang Meiyi snorted and said "You wish."

The boy frowned and asked "What's that supposed to mean? Are you just pretending because I have already rejected you, because absolutely no girl has said no to me before."

"Perhaps it's because you go for girls who don't have eyes. You aren't even quarterly as handsome as my crush."

"Your crush? Unless your crush is either Fu Mingze or Gu Zhen then they are definitely no match for me." Zhang Chun said proudly.

Yang Meiyi frowned, she looked at Fu Mingze who was now speaking to Yang Jia and for some reason became angry. Zhang Chun moved his gaze to where Yang Meiyi was looking and scoffed "Fu Mingze is your crush? Well, you don't stand a chance."

Yang Meiyi glared at Zhang Chun and walked out of the reception area.

Madam Zhang hit her son and said "Are you out of your mind, don't you know how to speak to a girl?" She looked at Sang Xiu and said "I'm truly sorry for my son's behaviour."

Sang Xiu smiled and said "Don't worry about it. Zhang Chun, I heard that you are planning on going to Suwei University right?"

"Yes Mrs Yang."

Sang Xiu smiled and said "Then will you be able to do me a favor? Yang Meiyi will also be going to Suwei University, can you help me look after her?"

"Of course he will." Madam Zhang hastily replied.

Zhang Chun was about to reject Sang Xiu offer when he felt a pinch in his back, he looked at his mother who was already giving him a 'don't you dare look'. He then force a smile when he looked at Sang Xiu and said "Yes, I will."


Yang Meiyi sat in the pool area with a bottle of red wine on her hand, she looked at the night sky as she bought the bottle to her mouth and took a large gulp. Seeing Fu Mingze with Yang Jia made her to realize that there was a high possibility that she couldn't change anything, what would she do if Fu Mingze were to fall for Yang Jia again, she wouldn't be able to change anything especially if she were to really die at eighteen. Up till now, she still could not figure out who would want her dead. Perhaps Meiyi death was actually just an accident and no one really wanted her dead, but for some reason Sang Xiu was convinced that her daughter was murdered.

Yang Meiyi sighed, she truly wished she was smarter, as she was about to bring the bottle to her lips again, she felt as it was forcefully removed from her hands. She was about to shout at the person who dared to take her wine when she saw Fu Mingze looking at her coldly.

"Last I checked you turned seventeenth not eighteen. Who was the stupid waiter who gave you alcohol?" Fu Mingze asked coldly.

Yang Meiyi scoffed and stood up, but immediately she stood up, she felt dizzy. Meiyi shook her head and looked at Fu Mingze who Just kept glaring at her and said "I'm surprised you even remember, yesterday was my birthday but you didn't even wished me a happy birthday and not only that, you have ignored all my messages throughout the years not replying to any one."

There was a slight confusion in Fu Mingze eyes before it disappeared as said "Did I ask you to send them? So what if I didn't wish you a happy birthday, do you know how many people have said to me 'Happy birthday' do you think that makes my birthday to be happy."

"But I don't care about others, hearing it from you would have made me happy."

Fu Mingze pour the remaining wine on the floor and threw away the bottle and then look at Yang Meiyi and said "You still haven't gotten over that stupid crush of yours? I'm eight years older than you, the Yang company is at the verge of bankruptcy and up till this moment, you still act as the spoiled daughter of Sang Xiu. Just when will you grow up Meiyi! Do you even think of anyone else other than yourself?"

Yang Meiyi eyes became watery as she said "I do think of someone else other than myself. I think of your well being, how you were doing during these years, i thought of if you were taking your medicines or not."

"Then you should stop because I do not need you or anyone else caring for me." Fu Mingze said coldly and turned to walked away when he heard her saying "I won't stop, I will always care for you and love you even if you hate it."

Fu Mingze gaze soften and suddenly placed his hand on his chest with a frown on his face before walking away without looking back.

Yang Meiyi looked at his back in anger and kick a little stone as she whispered "Jerk."

She suddenly felt dizzy again and was about to fall when a strong arm held her and asked "Are you alright, Miss Yang?"

Yang Meiyi turned to the voice and saw a pale skin man staring at her, call her crazy if you wished but she could swear that this man has the eyes of a murderer but he was also familiar.

"I think I know you." Yang Meiyi said.

After making sure she was fine, the pale skin man let go of her and said "I'm Xia Lian, Mr Fu personal guard and assistant."

Oh! So that was why he looked familiar, she must have seen him on one of her visit to the Fu Mansion. "But Fu Mingze isn't here, he just left."

"I know. He asked me to escort you back to your parents." Xia Lian replied with no emotion in either his words or face. However he was surprised when he the drunk girl suddenly smile at him and said "I knew he cared about me."