Gu Zhen's Feelings For Another Woman

Yang Meiyi woke up with a headache, one that she has gotten used to. She could still remember Fu Mingze asking her if she was an alcoholic and although she had never really thought about it but perhaps she was walking the alcoholic path, the only problem was, she wasn't sure if she could stop because drinking helped to calm her and make her think properly.

There was a gentle knock on the door and before she could tell the person to come in, the door opened revealing a nicely dressed Fu Mingze, he stared at her for a few seconds before saying "Go take a shower and dressed appropriately."

"Apart from the clothes on me, I don't have another. Are we going out?"

"Did all the alcohol you took yesterday entered your brain? Today is Aunt Sang Xiu's death anniversary and as for your clothes, I will ask Xia Lian to buy you a dress." Fu Mingze said and left.