You Can't Always Protect Me.

As Fu Mingze stopped his car at the beach, Yang Meiyi immediately got out of the car and ran to the shore, she pulled off her shoes and walked closer to the water.

She giggled as the cold water touched her feet and breathed in deeply with her arms spread wide. Meiyi turned to look at Fu Mingze who was watching her intensely and walked deeper and deeper into the water before a hand gripped her wrist.

"I hope I didn't just stop a suicide attempt." A playful voice sounded

Yang Meiyi turned when she heard the voice and saw that it was Long Fei. She looked at his hand on her wrist then at Fu Mingze who hadn't even moved an inch from his position.

Long Fei noticed her gaze behind him and also turned to look at Fu Mingze, he removed his hand from her wrist and said "Now I see why you suddenly invited me here, you want to make him jealous. Well, I can help with that. But you weren't trying to kill yourself, right?"