A Kidnapping Case

'The number you are calling cannot be reached'

These were the words Yang Meiyi had been hearing when she dialed Ma Xin's number. It has been two days now and there have been no words from her friend not even a text message. She must go to the police, maybe they will be able to find out who her mysterious journalist is.

Yang Meiyi took a cab to the police and called Fu Mingze. The moment he answered the call, she said "I'm going to the police station, can we meet there."

"Police station? Why? Did something happen?" Fu Mingze asked in concern.

"It's been two days now and Ma Xin isn't picking up my call. She once sent me a text saying she is alright but when I tried to call, it still didn't go through. I'm scared something might have happened to her."

"Where did she say she was going?"