If Only Her Heart Was As Beautiful As Her Face.

Yang Meiyi barged into the Yang Mansion and ignored the protest of the maid, she went straight to Yang Jiu's studies but did not find him there. In anger, she turned to the maid who had been following her and asked "Where is Yang Jiu?"

"You mean Mr.Yang?" The maid asked with a frown, she had been working here for a month and has not seen this woman here before.

"Whatever you wish to call him, where is he?"

"Mr Yang isn't here, actually he ..."

"I don't remember hiring you to disclose our activities to outsiders, go back to your duties right this moment if you do not wish to be fired." A voice sounded.

Recognizing the voice, the young maid turned to the entrance of the door and bowed slightly to the owner of the voice before she left the study.

Yang Meiyi looked at the entrance of the study and saw Grandma Yang standing proudly and looking at her coldly.

"Why are you still alive?" Grandma asked with a sneer.