Speech on Independence Day

I looked at the people gathered, the media, and the MPs. I have restricted Mountbatten and BBC from coming. That guy is a snake, and helped Jinnah to form Pakistan. He will continue to interfere in our affairs later as well. But I won't allow him to ruin a historic moment that is meant for us.

As I unfurled the Indian Flag, I felt tears in my eyes. No longer that oppressive British flag, but the proud and inspiring Indian Flag. As we saluted our flag, I felt really happy and proud. 

Then, I turned to start my speech. I will be giving it in four different languages one after another. Hindi, Tamil, Sanskrit and English for international media.

(But the speech will be shown in English due to obvious reasons.)

"My people, as of today, India is free. We will no longer be oppressed, starved, massacred, and die in European induced famines. We will no longer fight other countries' wars and die unnecessarily. We will rule ourselves, and we will regain the wealth and glory of what we had throughout the history untill 200 years ago.

Those two centuries of humiliation, we would work together so that we don't go through that! Never again!

We won't be divided and used by people who consider us cattles for looting our wealth. They won't repent, and will continue displaying the same tactic again and again and again!

And for that, they use people who look like us, but are just like those oppressors in heart. They may have carved out an illegal and artificial state of Pakistan to control it as a puppet, a puppet country carved out of our land, and the lives of our people, Hindus, Sikhs, Muslims, they have divided us again to take advantage and not caring about massacring millions of people.

But do we know how that happened? How a country which was the richest throughout the history is in this state?

It's us. We can't blame anyone but us. A pirate named Vasco arrived here. How? Our good natured people brought him, protect his small ship with our big ship from the currents of the Indian Ocean. We gave them our ship-building technology.

It was us who kept fighting among ourselves, and letting them enter inside our system and spread like a cancer. 

It was us that rejected our ideologies and culture. It is us that are falling for the Aryan Invasion bullcrap. Our species started from India. Indus Valley language is the most ancient language. Sanskrit, Tamil they didn't come from different people. Our ancestors didn't come from anywhere but India, be it Hindu, Muslim or Christians. India is the Holy land which taught the world secularism. It isn't something Europe invented. 

Just like how Europe didn't invent Democracy. Panchayat has been existing from as far as we know.

We invented Iron making in the Godavari region. We invented the Rust-free iron pillar when they were scrapping for food.

We invented most of the mathematics which they try to take credit of. The whole number system from natural numbers, zero, rational and irrational numbers, trigonometry, calculus and almost everything.

When they were killing people for not accepting that Earth is not flat, we had the distance between Earth and Moon, Sun and Moon, how many planets are there, how they move, when they move.

When they couldn't produce good clothes, Cheeth was banned in their countries to the point of smuggled illegally.

Remember the first war of independence, 1857? Where Hindus and Muslims fought for independence from British oppression? And why is today the situation like this? Where some privileged idiots, british puppets want their personal country?

Because we fell for the Divide and Rule! They played us. Bribed a hindu priest to raise a green flag in a temple, bribed a maulana to raise a saffron flag in a madarsa.

We may have gotten this independence day to celebrate, but true independence wouldn't end till we free our minds from the brainwashing of two centuries.

Bharat, it is a sanskrit word and one of the many names our civilization had even before there were humans where they live.

India was the name not given by british, there wasn't anything named 'british' even. It was when Alexander couldn't do shit against our proud elephants.

Hindustan was the name Arab traders used.

Urdu isn't the language of muslims, and Hindi isn't the language of Hindus. Hindi and Urdu are the both the languages invented in and by india, just using different scripts.

Muslims and christians didn't come first in Sindh, they came in Kerala, and they peacefully existed with each other. And be it Hindu, Muslim, Christian or Sikh, our ancestors are the same!

We should aim for true independence! For an independent, sovereign, secular, rich and glorius India, Bharat, Hindustan!

Jai Hind!

Bharat Mata ki! Jai!

Vande Matram!