Meeting with Mountbatten

"So tell me, Mr Mountbatten. Why the hell was Pakistan created, despite Muslim League not being in majority? How did Lahore go there? Why wasn't I released until two days ago, when everything had already happened?

Are you ready to take the responsibility for the millions of people that died in this meaningless bloodbath?"

I glared at this pathetic fool. Thanks to my popularity, Bengal didn't get stolen by Jinnah, but Muslim League got some seats in the Punjab region, suspiciously every major seat except Lahore.

It was clear as day that Pakistan was created to get some hold in the Indian Subcontinent. It happened in my previous world as well.

Nehru wasn't a bit popular, and Jinnah wasn't even a quarter of Nehru.

Millions of people died unnecessarily because of Jinnah's greed and ego and Britain being British.

Mountbatten sighed, and said, "I am sorry about what happened, but I couldn't do anything-"

"Cut the crap. You absolutely could, and can. If you have any conscience left, or you are just as much of a monster like Churchill, remove the option to join Pakistan for the princely states. I am giving you one day. Or you can be sure that I won't let Britain access one bit if Indian resource, be it our cotton and textiles, tea or even the Indian Ocean. The meeting is done here.

I will repeat, you have just 24 hours. I hope you would be wise enough to side with either India, or an illegal Pakistan which won't exist for much longer."

"Wait a min-"

"And I will tell you. I am not a naive fool like Nehru whom you can convince to create Pakistan. As long as Pakistan exists, Britain will be our enemy."

I left the meeting room, and entered another room where the US diplomat was.

US is the big daddy of the western countries. Having good relations with it means immunity against the West.

But as it's own foreign minister said, "To be a enemy of US is perilous, to be a friend of US is fatal."

The new era will be the batshit stupid Cold War, and China, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and many countries have been victims of the stupid competition of Capitalism vs Communism.

Even India suffered a lot during this period. While leaning more towards socialism in economic policy, it wasn't anyone's ally. But US's stupid foreign policy pushed it to go in USSR's sphere of influence.

This era is so crazy that US threatened India with nuclear submarines over Pakistan killing and raping Bengali people.

And the best option India has is to rapidly become a superpower, while maintaining neutrality pro max like Switzerland.

So what does India have? Very large population=cheap labour. Very huge amount of resources, almost everything except oil.

So from the very start, I am going to implement the good things from China and Japan's cases. Focusing on becoming the world's factory while maintaining quality like Japan.

But both things wouldn't be possible without US support.

And even with US support, India has to have independent and not become a puppet like Europe.

USSR is also an important trade partner afterall. Oil, gas, weapons are much cheaper than US.

Funny how US went around the world creating chaos for oil, even though it had one of the largest reserves in the world.

The thing is, I have to think of US as a big company only caring for profits. That will make things much easier.

"Good morning, Mr Prime Minister Satyankar."

"Good morning, Mr Adam."